The Project

Sunday 17 July-

Hamish is hosting with Narelda Jacobs, Michael Hing and Julie Goodwin tonight.


Cause she kept harassing them to hire Aboriginal comedians for The Project and they said no.

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Great to see Narelda hosting tonight.


She sounds like one of those “former disgruntled employees”.

I never really rated her anyway. She was somewhat annoying and overexposed on that show. They have way better co-hosts these days.


She also publicly stated prior to leaving that she was taking her oldest son out of school for only term 2 and would return mid year.

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Interesting to see Narelda support Meshel on Twitter and then turn up on The Project.


10 could save itself $2 million a year by cutting ties with Lisa Wilkinson. Her absence has demonstrated 10 have plenty of more than capable presenters on its books to replace her.

Wilkinson isn’t the drawcard 10 thought. She’s more of a reason for viewers to turn off than on.

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At this rate, Lisa could be benched for as long as Carrie was on her extended break.

Narelda really doesn’t seem afraid to go against her employer, whether it’s a production decision on The Project or donating to legal funds for an individual suing the network she works for.

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People still believing that fantasy pay cheque. :roll_eyes:

She also had a very public breakdown following a string of outbursts on social media. Ten suggested she take a long break after that. Are they choosing to ignore that now?

The Australian are reporting that Lisa has headed off to America and probably won’t be back on The Project desk until late August, at the earliest (some of this is leave already booked, presumably before the Logies).

$2 million or $20k, the point is, she isn’t needed, Mr Emoji.

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Yeah, sure. Don’t let the facts get in the way of your story.

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What makes you sure it isn’t true?

Because the story started when Lisa asked for equity in pay with Karl when she worked at Today. They refused so she walked. Then it was suggested that she only went to Ten because they matched that pay. Lisa refuted those claims and said she was doing The Project because it was the sort of work she was more interested in. People who had an axe to grind wouldn’t believe it and just kept that furphy going.

Then they claimed that Lisa was getting pay hikes which has never been proven. Now people are claiming she is making twice as much as what she was originally hired at. It’s bullshit. There are people around who don’t like her opinions and are out to silence her.


I guess no one will ever really know. Which is fine as it isn’t anyones business. I wouldn’t dare ask my workmates what they get paid. I don’t even ask my family.


This thread from Former 10 News First Melb journalist is getting some traction online.

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