The Latest

Even a consistent time within half an hour, say 10.15-10.45, but not 11.30.
And The Latest needs one or two consistent and engaging faces like it used to have.
Does the Thursday panel segment still exist? Or was that ditched?

Sure but every TV market has its own unique features and characteristics. In Australia, two of the key ones (for better or worse) are the lack of schedule consistency and the promoted times for primetime shows not being accurate.

This hasn’t always been the case and IIRC came to be when the original Australian Idol started with lots of over-runs.

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There’s still more than a 2 million people a night watching the news on FTA across the country.


2 million out of 24 million though…

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Definitely disagree. FTA is just in the process of finding its place in a VOD world. It will always have a place - perhaps not as we’ve always traditionally seen it, but live news and sport will be important factors for it.


Live news. Live sport. Free to air.
Probably a discussion for another thread. Who says we won’t have Netflix Nightly News in 5 years, produced by 7 or 9.


Why though?

Viewers hate it. It causes distrust. And if it really was effective other countries would catch on and copy the tactics.

What is it meant to do?

Just create episodes that run 60 or 90 minutes. And programme to time


I think it’s more to stop viewers switching channels than anything else. Spanish TV (which seems to be a fairly similar market to Australia) has done this for decades. I agree it’s crap but it sadly seems to be the way things are done now.


Perth producing The Latest has meant its lost its original appeal.
If cost cutting is the reason, and it’s about staff staying on later into the evening, why not still produce it in Sydney but just air it at 9.30/10.00 each night?
I don’t believe the theory of flow on from earlier shows being the reason for its late timeslot, when you look at some of the choices of what it makes way for.
In the daylight saving months (October/November and February/March it could be produced in Brisbane to save an hour’s wages.

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I find it hard to believe that the crew that would have been used for The Latest and the crew in Perth for that manner would be employed on an hourly basis as casual workers where this would be a concern. It is more likely that they are permanent employees that their regular hours would be later. Ie 3pm to 12am. If they need to pay loading sure it would add to the cost but it would not be that significant in the scheme of things to justify the cost that we are seeing now in the production quality, getting used to new presenters etc. For example I worked for a long time Sunday to Thursday and did not get paid more for doing so as a permanent employee I doubt Seven would be any different. But if it resulted in savings resulting in full wages then I would say it would be worthwhile. Ie 80k vs loading which might be $20 to $30 k over the year. I would want to see savings of over $200k for the move to be worthwhile in my view. Unless Seven are in a tighter financial spot or to justify an executive bonus.

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It’s an outdated way to think.
The idea that someone is going go to stay on your can be M and watch the following show just because they missed the start of another show is no more. Everyone has tens of Honda of on demand options now


It will be interesting to see what happens over the next few years. At the moment the FTA networks rely on viewers to help generate revenue if the this stops then what do they do as a replacement? Rely on add & subscription revenue (if they have a paid option) Is this all they would have?

If they no longer retain most live sport, they’re history … and we’re all poorer…


100% agree mate - but you know better than I do how stuck in the past these FTA networks are. I don’t understand how they can’t see it and we can?


Promotion for tonight


Wonder if they will do it from Sydney tonight or stick with Perth.


Update: scheduled to run 9:50 - 10:20 pm - slightly later than original schedule.

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Surely they’ll have the resources available in Sydney for this rather than amateur hour (sorry Perth folk)


Looks like a change of plan with the following received:

Immediately following 7NEWS Spotlight, stay with Seven for 7NEWS Presents: Tragedy in Bondi, a special bulletin live from 9.50pm with extensive coverage continuing into the night.