The Conners

Why are they waiting until 2019 to air this when it’s currently airing right now in the US? May as well not air it.

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I suspect they aren’t waiting. Promos airing currently.

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Promo does say coming soon so let’s wait and see.

Premieres Thursday 22 November 7.30pm.

I wonder if The Conners will be paired with How to Stay Married in the 7.30pm timeslot, or if 10 will show double episodes of The Conners until we are up to date with the US.

Not sure if this means anything but IMDB had The Conners at 4.5 out of 10.

I would watch it but have never seen Roseanne or the rebooted cancelled show .

The popularity ratings for The Conners on IMDB have been skewed by right wingers and Trump supporters etc who give the show a 1 because Rosanne was sacked and they are angry at ABC. If you look at the breakdown of the numbers 46% of IMDB votes were 1/10 - you might not like the show but The Conners is not worthy of a 1/10 rating.

Unbiased critics and other viewers are more balanced and give the show better numbers. On Metacritic the show as a very high 75% rating from critics.


Very poor form to start The Conners without playing out the remaining eps of Roseanne. Even if at a midnight slot the night before, they should be broadcast.


I didn’t like the show, but given its talent - John Goodman and Sara Gilbert etc, I would say that a fair score would probably be in the vicinity of somewhere between 6.5/10 and 7.5/10

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But they quite clearly said they would never screen Roseanne on any Network Ten channel…ever. They took a stand against her and quite publicly. This has happened in Australia, America and across the world. They will not reverse the decision. No use requesting otherwise.


Ultimately, we as a society have become too politically correct. If you tried to make a show like Love Thy Neighbour or Mind Your Language that poked fun at racism and cultural conflicts, network execs would turn you away for fear of offending someone.

Even if what Roseanne said was considered as a joke, these days it wouldn’t matter as someone may get offended


In america CMC have started re-playing repeats of Roseanne original series on their channel. I know another channel has too. They waited until the shit storm and then returned the show back to it’s schedule, only happened a month ago.

Ten shot themslves in the foot though to even air The Conners without airing the remaining eps of the revival series is a shit thing to do. Don’t think The Conners will have a good audience anyway for Australian viewers.


I still want to see it. Accept that 10 have a view to not show it, but how do I get to make that decision for myself if there is no avenue?


Thursday 22 November. Why are they waiting so long?

Yep. Mentioned further up. :slight_smile:

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i missed the first episode of the conners, where in australia can i see it???


It’s not on 10Play.

Why not?

They must not have streaming rights.