The Chase Australia

I thought this part was interesting

Before his relationship with Palmer, Labbett was married to his second cousin, Katie, and the pair have a son, Lawrence.


From memory they didn’t find out they were cousins until a few years ago but an odd way of writing it!

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Are programmers watching what they’re doing?

We’ve had Matt two days in a row. Mix it up. They have so many Chasers there should never be the same one two days in a row, especially when they’re two new episodes in a row.

It’s stuff like this where people will go to Tipping Point.

Odd, odd move.


I feel like this happens often.

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Yep and it shouldn’t, ever.

Apparently got a question wrong!!



It shouldn’t happen regularly but I think it happening occassionally is a good thing - keeps things a bit more random than just having them appear every 7th episode or so.

Of course the big mistake Seven have made is having too many Chasers now - adding the last two was completely unnecessary and smelt of panic in the face of new competition. The three originals plus Cheryl and Mara felt about right, especially if they’re continuing to have a couple of British chasers involved too.

Talking of panic and wonder if Seven might consider some family episodes in the 5pm slot where all four contestants are from the same family. The UK versions did a couple of series of The Family Chase - it’s not been back for a while and the original format is stronger but if they wanted to do the odd week of something different I think that’s a better idea than the Double Trouble weeks.

Overall though the best thing Seven could do to give the show a boost is commission more Beat the Chasers for primetime - considering how well 1% Club does I think it would probably do OK for them, but more importantly it’s an hour long primetime promo for the daytime show - although knowing Nine they’d counter it with Celebrity Tipping Point.


Unfortunately this isn’t the first time that 7’s programmers at TCA has done this. They’ve put David “The Professor” Poltorak for 3 days in a row just over 2 months back.

7 only recently did a bit of catch up with Mara and Cheryl on the ‘new episode’ count (plus airing an episode from what’s left in the can from Anne’s last visit) after 4 weeks of mainly the OG 3 Australian chasers grabbing the new episodes.

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Brandon Blackwell (aka The Lightning Bolt) is currently on SBS Viceland, appearing on Jeopardy, as a contestant. Part of the shows Invitational Tournament. It was a Quarter Final ep.

He mentioned his work as a chaser on The Chase Aus and USA.


So basically its really open to local Sydney (NSW) contestants… interstate contestants applying need to pay for their own accommodation and flights etc. Well done Seven on keeping your network very Sydney focused. Its doing wonders in Melbourne at the moment. :clap:


Isn’t it normal to have to pay your own way to appear on shows that are interstate?


NO… previous game shows have offered to fly and pay for accommodation.

It’s different times now though. Networks are cutting where they can.


Do interstate contestants on Tipping Point and Deal or No Deal have to pay their own flights and accommodation?

Understand, but have you seen The Chase’s ratings recently?

I suppose it doesn’t matter… as Seven this time next year will be looking at a new game show (format) from the way things are going. lol

Sure but how are those two things connected? Is every contestant from Sydney?

Last night for example they don’t even say where they live…

I really doubt people are turning off if they don’t see someone from their state competing.


David… their was an 70k difference between game shows in Melbourne yesterday.

I know but that has nothing to do with where contestants are from.

How do viewers know they aren’t from Melbourne? They don’t say where they’re from? It’s not like they’re going oh no one from Melbourne on the Chase off to Tipping Point.

Maybe it’s a simple as there’s a new toy in the market and people are watching.


David, why do you think ratings have dropped in Melbourne on such a large number, more than any other market? Why does Tippling Point connect to Melbourne Audience more? come on, you got this.