The Bold & The Beautiful

Speaking of B and the B

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The Bold and the Beautiful has resumed production after a two-week production break, caused by a production company staff testing positive to COVID-19. Separately, three staffers at Television City (where the soap is shot) also tested positive to the virus.

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When Steffy was kissing the doctor last week I noticed it wasn’t as clunky as usual so I wondered if the actors were partners in real life.

Some of the real life partners of the actors have been used for some of the kissing scenes on the show.

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But did her real life partner stand in for the kiss like they just did on Neighbours?

Well they might just be getting better at editing the actor and stand in as they go along.


Some casting news actress Courtney Hope who played Sally Spectra has joined the cast of The Young and the Restless.
She will be playing Sally Spectra who has moved to Genoa City to start a new life after her Bold exit storyline.


How about no? LOL.

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No. My life has purpose. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I remember there was a question about the mannequin storyline on Have You Been Paying Attention? last week or the week before.

Do they have some of the writers from Passions on this show now?


Oh we know that simply isn’t true JBar lol. You have the most posts in this thread! :joy:


Same goes for most threads. It’s what I do. :rofl:


Haha fair!

All i can think is this

What is the mannequin storyline??

From 10 play:

New episodes are being delayed in the US by the impeachment trial.

Hey Bold fans!

Coverage of ex-President Trump’s impeachment hearing in the US unfortunately means episodes of The Bold and the Beautiful Fast-Tracked are not going to air on certain days.

If they don’t go to air over there, we can’t upload them over here. This means that throughout the impeachment process, there may not be five episodes of Bold per week.

Thanks for your patience. Normal B&B service should resume soon.

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it happen first time around for Trump Impeachement in early 2020.

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