The Block

It’s all in the script, the producers probably planned it…….


What a surprise! Channel Nine decides to manufacture drama and ‘crisis’ for ratings! Shocking :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Scott Cam is 58, has spent most of his life in the construction industry, and still uses a blackboard to write down the room reveal scores. He doesn’t seem the most tech savvy kind of person so it’s at least plausible to me that the “cheating” scandal is real.

I’ve always thought that was more of a gimmick.


This segment from the Opener of Saturday Night Crack-Up which aired on the ABC in October 2015 (and featured bits from personalities on all major FTA networks) as part of their “Mental As” Week would suggest that Scott Cam at least owns a smartphone:


The Block uses gimmicks? What a shock :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m not denying that the cheating scandal is manufactured but it seems silly to me that it’s just because they use a large whiteboard. I don’t even think it’s much help for a team to know the production schedule. But given the nature of the show I think there are many good reasons why the producers may prefer to use a whiteboard to plan out their production schedule.

If they know what room is coming up next they can start planning/ordering supplies. And if they know when challenge days are they can book more tradies. Massive advantage IMO


What a way to talk about contestants you handpick to come in the show. How dramatic!!


I’d say this kind of drama was part of the reason they were hand picked.


Surely not!

You mean the producers picked an inexperienced duo, who didn’t know much about how the show works, didn’t tell them the rules, hoped they would break them and when they looked like they might do something wrong, didn’t pull them up, just let them carry on while the cameras rolled? Then proceeded to trash their reputations on national tv?


Probably a part of their contract

And cast “Faves” who are two of the most hated couples ever.


What took Ronnie so long to fess up to knowledge of the whiteboard photo, anyway?

It seems it was an open secret amongst some contestants until Ronnie and Georgia cracked the shits because their over sized bedroom lost and the twins won the week.


What took Ronnie so long? It wasn’t in the schedule on the whiteboard until this week!

I do feel like this has been quite set up. I’d imagine if you got on the wrong side of Scott Cam you’d see him pretty angry - not the fake TV angry you see and if it was real cheating I’d imagine there’d be harsh penalties or disqualifications imposed.


Maybe it’s because Josh & Luke won the Master Bedroom room reveal and Ronnie & Georgia rightly felt that they deserved a higher score that this has all blown up? I consider this whole ‘scandal’ to be more like gamesmanship than actual cheating since there’s no specific rule broken in this instance.

The couples are generally competent enough that they can finish rooms without this knowledge. It’s the interior design that’s most important and I don’t how knowing the production schedule would have helped Josh & Luke win.


Looks like Vito took the photo. I mean, it was pretty obvious when they both correctly guessed last week was master bedroom week.
Just end it now.


I thought it was going to be Tanya. But looking more and more like Tito.

They really are milking this for all it’s worth. All acting like it’s the fucking end of the world. Move on and get on with it.

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