The Bachelor Australia

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve seen an advert for this season I’d never have to work again.


Osher’s intro in Episode 1 contains a lot of mentions to 2022. You would think they could fix these little things up when they decided to delay the show!


Maybe it’s because of 40 minutes Netflix reality shows, but the pacing on the first episode feels so slow. Especially seeing the sizzle reel for the rest of the season at the end.

Could have had more variety by cutting the blind dates a little more and introducing more of the second episode’s reveal into the first.

Can’t say I was hooked or interested in watching more.

According to Sunday Herald Sun’s Fiona Byrne, three weeks will be shown in week one and four episodes in week two.

Osher revealed at the start of tonight’s episode that the three bachelors lived on the 74th floor penthouse of Q1 Tower on the Gold Coast during the filming of the season. It must have cost a fortune to rent the penthouse for a couple of months.

Not exactly a revelation about where the show was filmed and they were living? This info has been known for some time.

And re the cost of the accommodation, given the overall budget for the show this would be a blip really.

Can’t imagine renting a massive private mansion in previous years would’ve been cheap either.

I know Twitter is not a good gauge, however it is unusual for a trashy show like this to get a mostly positive response. Even the negative tweets seem to suggest that people are hooked.

Who knows, maybe this will actually work for 10? It is definitely an alternative to the other networks at this time of the year. What would even be classed as a success? 400K?

Ring A Ding Ding, Love Is The Thing.

The Love Stories Begin On The Bachelors Australia.

A new city, with a new rose and three dapper new Bachelors with engagement rings at the ready. Welcome to The Bachelors Australia where love will blossom and hearts will inevitably be broken.

Arriving at a mansion empty of the usual red carpet chaos, Jed, Thomas and Felix were told they were about to go on a number of blind dates with beautiful, intelligent women with the hope of inviting them back to the mansion to get to know them better.

Sporting 10 roses each, dates ranged from awkward AF to the perfectly romantic and a little too raunchy. In the end, 30 ladies entered the GC mansion’s welcome drinks where confusion was rampant.

Eventually realising there was not one, not two, but three Bachelors to fall in love with, the mansion was sent into a tailspin. But little did the ladies looking for love know, there was a bigger surprise to come.

Tune in tomorrow night for the fun, flirting and the fallout.


It was a very unconventional opening episode. The three guys travelled around the country to meet prospective ladies and gave a rose if the guy liked his date (there was a bit of MasterChef top 50 feel). Who knows how many blind dates didn’t make the cut?

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Very unconventional. I think it was great and all the changes made for a better show and greater chances of actual connections. I thought it was a really good show but am surprised they have been allowed to play with the format so much.
Shame it Dosent seem to have connected with viewers. They certainly tried to change things up but seems like it may be too late.



Broken Rules Lead To Broken Hearts.

Ella Leaves The Mansion. Caitlin, Jacinta And Mikki Eliminated.

After information overload: three Bachelors, three engagement rings and a very different rose ceremony, there was a Bachelorette walkout and each of our Bachelors said goodbye to one of their leading ladies.

Because more rules were meant to be broken, Tash decided to stake her claim and kiss Jed mid cocktail party chaos and Felix ruffled feathers by putting on a full show and pashing Tilly, prompting Felix’s Bachelorette Ella to tap out of all the madness and send herself home.

A new day dawned and Osher appeared once again at the mansion stating the traditional group dates are out the window, as are the rose ceremonies. If you’re on a group date, you’re up for a rose, if you’re not on the date, you’re sweetly safe.

After a sexy swim sesh at the Bach Pad, Bella was in her element, Tash revealed her Bachelor ex and Felix got hot with Naomi. At the rose ceremony with the nongroup date ladies sitting on the couch whispering amongst themselves, Jed sent home Caitlin, Thomas sent home Jacinta and Felix said goodbye to Mikki.

Tomorrow night, Jessica’s big secret is revealed but how will Felix feel about it?

Is Osher still going to cosplay as a mental health advocate while lighting the flame for bitch-fights on national TV?

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Secrets Exposed And Sides Taken.

Abby, Aylin And Emma Eliminated.

The girl code was officially broken in tonight’s episode of The Bachelors Australia with not one, but two secrets exposed by one Bachelorette.

When the Bachelors stopped by the Bach Mansion for a cuppa and a gossip, Felix got more than he bargained for when Tash, Jed’s leading lady, took it upon herself to reveal one of Felix’s crushes, Jessica, had a boyfriend in the real world. Cue a whole lot of chaos ending in Krystal standing up for Jessica, declaring Tash shared information that was none of her business.

Trying to get to the bottom of what’s going on, Felix pulled Jessica aside but left the mansion even more confused.

An adrenalin pumping group date then led to a fired-up cocktail party as sides were well and truly taken. With heated words exchanged between Tash and Jasmine about the Jessica secret being revealed, Osher finally got the rose ceremony back on track where we said goodbye to Abby from Jed’s ladies, Alyin who was vying for Thomas’ affection and Emma who was there for Felix.

Post rose ceremony saw Tash reveal to the group that Jasmine had an Only Fans account but to honour the girl code, she didn’t plan on sharing that tidbit with Jed because it wasn’t her place.

To get Jasmine’s take on what happened, click here to read her exclusive chat with 10 Play.

On Sunday night’s episode, will the drama with Tash continue? And one Bachelorette will walk away for good.

The above group photo must have been taken before the fiery forum preceding the rose ceremony.

Luke Bradman revealed on the radio that his wife played the violin on one of last night’s dates. However, after “telling all of Brisbane” to watch, and waiting 8 months for the broadcast, she didn’t make the final cut. :frowning_face: I don’t recall him telling his radio audience to watch :wink:

Personally I like this new format. I didn’t particularly like the first episode (I thought it dragged on) but overall as a concept it feels quite different to other seasons and has added a lot of new dynamics. The editing is very different too - how it sometimes splits the night from the different men’s perspective so it feels a very different show. It’s also interesting having the 3 Bachelor’s discussing things together too.

Last night’s episode gave us the drama that I was hoping for. It was pretty much drama the whole way through, focusing on the “polyamorous” fallout right from the get-go . It seems like the old school cocktail parties are gone and instead they have a discussion at the rose ceremony (although not sure if that was a one off due to the drama or not).

As for the actual Bachelor’s, I am surprisingly warming to Jed and Thomas. Coming into the season I thought Felix would be my fave and whilst he’s hot, he’s definitely not behaving the way a usual Bachelor would. Once again that keeps it interesting and adds a different dynamic. Jed is the one that has surprised me - I am really liking him.


I think it has a very MAFS vibe with the way it’s been done this time around. I hope the new format actually grows because it has promise.

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A novel format “without a fairy light in sight”. No one can accuse the producers of planting “crazies” this season, with the bachelors essentially vetting the contenders though the blind date process. Yet still the drama didn’t take long to appear.

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Gotta love how The Project just completely took the piss out of The Bachelors tonight. :joy:

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