The Amazing Race Australia

Season Final is Sunday 28 March

In the final leg of The Amazing Race Australia, the teams travel from Sydney, to Canberra and then to up to the Snowy Mountains for the epic race to the finish line.


It’s not bullying. It’s game playing. They knew what they signed up for if they can’t do it then bad luck.

They’re a pathetic couple. So cringeworthy.

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I didn’t like Alesha’s comment about the cowboys ‘not thinking with their brains’. We all know what she’s implying and I don’t think it was a nice comment to make about two guys who are in relationships. Alliance or not, the cowboys would’ve always u-turned C&A after the way they acted at the oyster challenge.

That said, making it through three sabotage challenges is pretty impressive.


They’re just annoying and insipid. Especially Aleisha. She’s judgemental and precious. She has a pretty pathetic personality and is very unlikable.

And I can’t believe it’s another non elimination. They should’ve gone. I’m sick and tired of this format.

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Yet your still watching it.

Seeing that the finale isn’t until Sunday night I assume there won’t be an elimination until Tuesday night.

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I think she was saying that instead of thinking rationally which team to eliminate they were basing their decision on emotional grounds.


I interpreted her comment the same way JeepersCreepers did.

Why they didn’t take the penalty when they knew they were in last, I just don’t know.

With apologies to Kushaa, of all the “pre-determined non elimination” legs, this one irritated me the most.

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One team will be eliminated tomorrow, according to the latest promo.

That’s interesting, so perhaps the final leg is split over two episodes then?

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I think the second last leg will be normal non-elimination, like the early seasons of the US version.

I think it could also be a case of selective editing. I’d be fairly confident that the other teams had meltdowns of some sort during the race but they’re only showing the ones by Aleisha.


How many times have you said this? By now you are well aware how many teams there are left and how many episodes remain (because it’s been posted in here many times) so I’m not sure what you “can’t believe”.

I agree that it’s annoying but it’s not a surprise anymore which is why I haven’t been watching it every night. The buzz of this season died for me about 3 weeks ago and I’ve only watched a couple of episodes the past 2 weeks.

The promo calling this “finals week” makes it looks like the finale is this week. They are probably hoping viewers are gullible enough to think that Tuesday could be the finale.

Final is on Sunday Night 28th.

Yes I’m well aware of that, hence the gullible comment.

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Seems pretty standard practice across reality shows to have a finals week ahead of the grand final.

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Unfortunately alliances are common in shows like this. Well done to Aleisha for doing the shoey challenge tonight because I didn’t think she’d do it.

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I’m assuming tomorrow’s episode will be a non elimination, because they wouldn’t have only two teams in the finale, would they?

If there was ever a time for the alliance to be over. Seems like a stupid move for the GC Girls to give the answer to potentially their biggest competition for the win.


If the super sikhs manage to win the race, then that decision by the girls to tell them the answer will haunt them forever.

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