Ten's weekend woes

10 did try to ‘Bring Back Saturday Night’ during Pilot Week, which, for some unknown reason, became a Hey Hey-esque show hosted by a man who quit his mid-week talk show because he disagreed with network management, who had planned to change that show’s format to be more of a Hey Hey-style show, something which IIRC he ‘refused to consider’ at the time.

Paramount just needs to consider the following questions, which are:

  1. How can our network provide an alternative to our rivals?
  2. How can our network reimagine weekend programming?
  3. Is there something ‘new’ that we can offer that others don’t or won’t?
  4. What matters to our viewing audience?
  5. What makes a unique weekend schedule?

Hey hey its saturday hosted by larry emdur and mel tracina and melanie bracewell

I missed seeing this thread for 6.5 years, hard to believe it wasn’t used since, I guess 10’s ‘weekend woes’ turned into ‘everyday woes’

Or a “decade of woes”