Ten On-Air Presentation

That is a big ask I must say, when considering what Ten is up against. I don’t see how and why you would even say that. First of all, if they improve year upon year then that is a good thing. Even if they get below what your predicting then that is not too bad, as long as it doesn’t get below 600k for both shows. I think X Files may be huge. There is other plenty of shows that can still fire even without The X Files and I’m A Celeb. They’ve got plenty of big hits in the schedule to come for 2016.

They have actually. I’ve been watching Ten and I’ve seen promos for Long Lost Family. Don’t Ten normally do a week push for US dramas in this point in time. I think we would’ve seen promos more frequently for LLF by now if they were going to appear in the schedule in about 2 weeks time

Well I have a right to say what ever I want. Just like you do. Some of the comments you say baffle me as well. I will tell you why I say this. It is because these are the two shows ten have only promoted individually, that I have seen. If they are going to invest so much time and money in these shows you would be very naive to think that they don’t want in excess of 900k+ for each show.

I know you are going to disagree but ten’s promotion of shows for the 2016 year has been extremely soft. Other networks seem to be able to promote many shows evenly but ten haven’t seemed to be able to do this.The thing is if these two shows fail to deliver in excess of 900k+ it will put all other shows on the back foot.

It astounds me that you think 600k is the benchmark. 600k??? 600k??? Whaaaaat? If it gets 600k that is awful, absolutely shocking with all the promotion both have received.

I have not seen one promo for Long Lost Family, besides the network promo with many shows in it, and I have watched the Big Bash all week when it has been on.

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Yes I know Ten have invest so much time but frankly the shows that used to be in Q1 in 2015 aren’t there this year in the same quarter. I’m A Celebrity has gotten in the 600k before quite a few times. Ten would lucky to have 900k + for each show but X Files could be somewhere around there depending on if the audience sticks around for more eps. Shows that have been shown months before in the US and UK have gotten huge ratings excessive of 1 million. Seven have the tennis on for 2 weeks and Nine has the cricket which is all summer. Ten have Big Bash for 30 days or so.

Its just like 2015, there is hype for I’m A Celebrity to see who goes in but fades away then picks up towards the later part of the season. Not all revived shows have done well look at 24 for example.

Have you been watching the news? They are only slow maybe because it is not due to air yet

Sorry I have no idea what you are talking about here.

Its not only time they have invested its a LOT of money. Ad space, billboards etc have been plastered with I’m a Celeb. They would be counting on it getting an increase on last years average. You are right they don’t have Shark Tank, Gogglebox and Wonderland (although it flopped) to fill 8:30 slots. And that is the problem. They have put all their eggs in X Files (which will only be on air for 5 weeks) and I’m a Celebrity.

I know that all revived shows don’t do well. I am aware of that. That is why I am worried for ten and their persistence of not having other shows like Shark Tank and Gogglebox to help support their schedule. They have only promoted I’m a Celebrity and X Files so basically these are the only two shows that can help lift their schedule. Other returning US shows won’t fair too well as they haven’t in the past so there is no reason to see why they should increase unless ten are counting on Celebrity to lift. Unfortunately for Ten they must and have to aim for the show to get around the 900k mark just to break even with promotion. If they don’t then there will be some serious concerns.

As for your chatter about tennis and cricket. At the end of the day ten has had more chances at promotion to a massive audience. More than 30 days of Big Bash, which has often rated higher than most of the Australian matches on nine, is more than all the other networks. Ten don’t have any excuses. They have had their best summer. They have had all the right audience demographics watching their channel. They are in the best place, better than any other network, so if things don’t go right in the ratings then they only have themselves to blame for their poor promotional pushes and poor scheduling.

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Complete and utter rubbish as usual.

Can you please stop sounding like a publicist for ten?

Every point you make is unjustified and completely irrelevant.

I was referring to Long Lost Family turdall. I’ve seen it during the news.

We have already been over this, they have not aired any promos as such for this show yet - only the updated casting call with Chrissie briefly in it.

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I agree with most people here that the X-Files should rate at least 1 million. I wouldn’t be surprised if it reached 2 million.

I’m a Celebrity I think should at least reach 800k+ on its premiere and not drop below 700k.

This is a joke right? :confused:

Who expexts to see a presentation change i dont

It’s ten…of course they won’t. The need a refresh. Something more cleaner would be nice.mless garish colour palette too.


I dont see why over 1 million should be a joke. Other networks have done it with US imports.

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1 maybe… but 2?

2 wpuld be pushing it…

Even 1 would be pushing it. Just because it was popular in the past, doesn’t guarantee the same audience will return and it will certainly struggle to pick up new viewers for an old show.

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Exactly. Just one look at the ratings of the revived Young Talent Time and It’s A Knockout (completely different genres I know, but still…) from a few years ago proves that point right!

The one that springs to my mind is Dallas. Epic fail. The recent Heroes revival also flopped spectacularly.

I asked a couple of twentysomethings in my office about X Files. One had no idea what it was and the other said it was a show that her dad would watch. Enough said.

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Really amazing promo for NCIS running. High quality stuff in terms of graphics haven’t seen anything like it on Ten before. Very glossy, animated and detailed.

Unlile YTT and IAK, the X-Files is a more modern show that has a following of fans that transcends generations. As a young person, the hype around this show is strong even in people under 25. Audiences loved this show when it was airing, and since its end in 2002, it has developed an enormous cult following, similar to Twin Peaks, with a generation that were only young kids when it first started.

Considering that there haven’t been new episodes of the X-Files in almost 14 years, audieces of many ages are bound to tune in.

Comparing other US series like Heroes Reborn and Dallas to the X-Files doesn’t make sense- these programs were not only less popular in the US during their original airings, but even moreso in Australia. People seem to forget that the X-Files was Ten’s stalwart in the 90s, and had unprecedented popularity.

For these reasons, yes I do expect it to rate over 1 million in Australia, if it lives up to its expectation content-wise. I agree, maybe I went a bit overboard expecting that it might reach 2, but I guess anything can happen in the world of TV ratings. :wink:

Are you freaking serious? Dallas was the number one show in America and top 10 for many years. It still holds records for some of the highest ever ratings for some episodes. The X-Files was never that popular. I’d say it was probably more popular than Dallas in Australia but you might find that the number of viewers would be very close, considering the different eras and the limited options available back then.

Your own friends are not a perfect barometer for the general public. I hope it does well but I just don’t agree with such an optimistic prediction. I say there will be some initial interest and then it will drop off quickly.