Ten News First Presenters and Reporters

just rememeber what mike amour said to @Troiboi when he called him out . he didnt get into any trouble for it

You must be having a memory lapse. Daily Mail constantly smashes Sunrise and Today hosts for what they do or say.

I only posted this cause I thought it may have explained her absence?

Mostly about behind the scenes “dramas” or whatever. Not so much calling them out on their opinions. That’s different though. That’s Daily Mail posting and reporting them not the hosts themselves taking it upon themselves to hop onto the socials and getting involved.

Narelda is obviously too involved and her emotions get the better of her. Interesting she only gives opinions on stories related to the gay community and the Aboriginal community. You never see her comment on anything else. Doesn’t really show much consistency.

Too right. She was clearly pulled off air. Much like Fauziah over on the ABC and her colleague Paul Higgins. That’s the outcome when you don’t stay in your lane. Their lane being maintaining neutral public perception. You get sidelined.

I think it was more likely she was on leave dealing with the Jessie Beard situation… Considering they worked on Studio 10 together


Disagree. I’ve seen both. If it’s clickbait, they will run it.


Regardless, my point still stands. The people over at Sunrise and Today are not actively trying to spread their message and opinions out to the public as much as Narelda does and has in the past. She gets far too involved.

Look what happened to Sam Armytage. Got far too opinionated and outraged during Covid and where is she now? Dumped from Sunrise and presenting a non news and current affairs program. Why? Because she couldn’t stay neutral and impartial as a journalist.

lawd id forgotten about that LOL

Does Ten not have a US correspondent?

Tristan, Doody, Sarah and Angela all worked with him too. Tristan has said nothing and I feel like it probably affected him the most.

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At the Oscasrs


Tristan has said nothing but also hasn’t been on TV Daily. And everyone deals with grief differently.

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Daily Mail is not a reliable source.

Read the article. The Mail wasn’t the source.

The Australian is.

I think we need to remember that everyone does grief diffrently and Neralda Jacobs had always made her views known especially Indeginious issues.
Journalists were definetly not impartial when it came to reporting on lockdowns etc when we were in a pandemic. So the argument that Today Hosts don’t offer an opinion on some sort of issue does not fly. Journalists will always end up in some sort of opinion on any issue, on their personal social media sites. I have no problems with that. It is only when big corporates to try to sensor them that is an issue. Personally i think Narelda is doing a brilliant job at Ten, despite the circumstances over the last month and shes handled herself and her views quite well. None issue for me.

Like The Australian is any more reliable??


To quote the legendary Christine Anampour: “We have to be truthful, not neutral”.

False balance is a dangerous slope


No media is reliable anymore. It’s all garbage.

The Australian is the DM with more political focus, better website, less making up stories based on a couple of Media Spy posts, and you have to pay for it.

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