Ten News First Presenters and Reporters (2015-Sept 2020)

Josh was on The Project tonight.


Chris’ first bulletin is on Saturday.


So i guess Perth’s western edition of News First starts this weekend?

Wait it hasn’t already??
I thought that started a few months ago?


Looks like someone took some publicity shots at least :man_shrugging:t3:

Also, Sandra needs to update the 10 daily handle in her name section as it was changed to @10dailyau around 31st Oct with the logo changes.

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Why do we need to politicise everything?

It’s a TV coverage, not a political comedy show.


No. Must be this weekend then.

that’s ok, for people like you there’s Sky


You don’t actually know that Sully and Bath are lefties. You just made that up.

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Umm… I never said Bathie was a Leftie…you just made that up.
It’s been around for a long time that a journalist is good if you don’t know who they voted for, and with Bathie, I don’t.

Sandra Sully is a Leftie based on what she likes and has liked on Twitter. It’s clear.

What has she said?

Ummm because it’s a broadcast on the Federal Election…the whole thing is politicised.

Well if we have to politicise everything then what’s the lineup on Sky then?

Speers, RWNJ1, RWNJ2, RWNJ3, RWNJ4 and I could go on forever.

If you think 10 is filled with ‘lefties’ then what about PVO? He’s fairly centrist.

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I personally would’ve thought PVO was right wing myself.

In any case, who really cares how individual presenters/reporters lean politically just as long as their actual journalism is balanced and impartial?

I personally don’t, but for some reason lots on this forum seem to care, and get particularly aggressive on matters in relation to this.

If I was to be 10’s head of news, I’d put Chris Bath, Lisa Wilkinson and Peter Van Onselen at the forefront of the election coverage.

You’re dreaming. Chris Bath is the weekend news host. She’s not the face of the network.


I’m surprised anyone thinks Ten’s news ratings on the weekend will be given a bump just because Bath will be reading the bulletin. They’ll struggle while ever they continue with this national weekend bulletin folly.


Sure, but I didn’t say just Chris Bath. If you read what I’ve written I said with Lisa Wilkinson and PVO.

I wouldn’t mind someone like Sandra Sully or Hugh Riminton either.

Simple solution is right under their nose, they could easily record local windows for the East Coast + Adelaide and have two separate sports reports for AFL/NRL. Do the whole thing for WA again LIVE.

Or get someone like Georgia Love to do a separate bulletin for Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth. Bath can do Sydney and Brisbane.

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Interested to see if Chris Bath will be used as Sandra Sully’s fill in or Hugh Riminton will remain as second choice. I think Chris would give the ratings a boast.

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