Some more caps from the final portion of today’s bulletin:
Totally baffled the cricket Test didn’t get a mention in the sports segment of the 3.30 bulletin today.
Couldn’t risk viewers flicking to 7!
They probably forgot it was on.
10NF update during the soccer featuring Sharon, finally some prime time advertising of sorts.
Did that go out nationally?
No idea, watching on 10play.
Anyone else get localised updates at approx 7.50pm AEST from other areas.
Same local prime time update that happens every weeknight. Sydney gets Ursula for the update but it is still local.
Good night for promotion, could do a bit more
Just saw it an hour later, is that a localised 10NF QLD logo?
Noticed tonight that Sydney crossed to the Brisbane newsroom for a story and the backdrop used was similar, if not the same as the main Qld bulletin.
An hour later the Qld bulletin also crossed to the newsroom for the same story, instead they used a national backdrop which was interesting rather than anything local.
Unless Matt was in the actual studio that is used for the bulletin since it was 4pm in Brisbane when the cross occured.
I note Adelaide has introduced a traffic report. Entirely sponsored so more $$$ and easy filler content, I suppose.
Very strange attempt to ‘watermark’ this footage, looks even bigger when it’s full screen on Instagram etc.
Sad news but the watermark is a tad stretch. The 4 minute interview with Ange will also be heavily shown in the UK.
Seems to be a consistent thing that the Qld bulletin has audio problems during headlines leading to a break, the volume on the footage used is too loud over the headlines being read out. I guess on of the joys of the bulletin being controlled outta *Melbourne?
Unless it has changed since I left, it is controlled from Melbourne.
Yeah, it’s controlled from Melbourne.