Ten News First Content and Appearance

This is the NSW only opener to the news. QLD gets its own opening segment.

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I do. The reporter who is being crossed to is likely more immersed in the breaking story than the presenter is.

To a greater or lesser extent, all the networks have done this in recent years - even the ABC.


Ahh okay, I didn’t know that, it makes a bit more sense then.

I just think that they could make the most of their (limited) news resources by sending Lachlan out on location to somewhere such as State Parliament etc.

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There was a reporter live back to the studio as well.


:roll_eyes:. Seriously? 4 weeks in and you think that’s what Brisbane is getting?


Exactly. The presenter who arrived for the day at 3pm isn’t going to be on top of it all, plus it’s just to make the presentation a little more dynamic.


The new newsroom backdrop in Melbourne (I don’t believe it has been posted before).
Looks great.


It was basically the only local news story of the day… They made really good use of their resources between Lachlan and Sydney Pead. It also would have been an incredibly tight turn around to get the grabs from the 4:30 press conference into the opening headlines and packages for 5pm. Plus Sandra breaking into programming at 4:30.

As I said, an example of 10 at its best (though I’d be rather pessimistic that they would manage the same level of coverage if a similar story was unfolding at a similar time in Brisbane).

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Error in opening story backdrop for Queensland. It was a bikie shooting.

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After the Bikie murder, Queensland opening stories dominated by state election coverage + PM in Queensland.

Later there was a story about the NSW Premier read by Lachlan.


What were they getting? News pre-recorded at 3pm?

Soz was just commenting in jest.


Tonight in 10 News First Melbourne during the weather at around 5:58, WIN ended up ending the bulletin halfway through the weather segment. Network 10 should be going back to an hour of news so that WIN don’t have to end the bulletin at 6:02, it’s basically just looking back at developing stories and the same sport stories and a weather recap.

Looks like ATV News Exchange.

Looked like pretty local stuff all recorded probably around 3pm Qld time but they do get the last 50 mins of their bulletin fully live. Best of a bad scenario. Least the news hasn’t been axed. Look, it’s pretty shit. We all get it. It’s diabolical. But we can’t change it. The average viewer won’t know the difference except they lost their local presenters. Most parts of most of the bulletins are hyper local. This is 10 after all. Half assed as usual but at least it’s a news service.


Weather in Melbourne started at 6.01 tonight.

Actually, its recorded at the same time as non daylight saving time.

And yes, it’s not the greatest - I never said it was, nor even as good as doing it locally - but at least its still there. From what I hear it could’ve just been one national bulletin for all.

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Not sure what you watched.
The first story was about a bikie shooting at Pimpama, the second a protest at UQ featuring the PM and the Qld Premier, and the third the QLD election.

The first NSW story came 12 minutes into the bulletin and featured Berejiklian’s dalliance which many a Queenslander would have had a chuckle at considering how much she’s carried on about the border closure.

Next story was about a coronial inquest in Cairns, then a story featuring Jonathan Thurston.

That’s 5 QLD stories and 1 NSW story featured in the first 18 mins of the bulletin


Based on a few clues tonight I suspect that the local windows for Queensland are recorded in reverse so that the opening window is recorded last around 3:45 and the less critical stories, that are seen in the second window, are recorded first.

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I gave it away just above. Its the same time as non daylight saving