Ten News First Content and Appearance

The 5-city numbers for the bulletin and the regional audience still looking ok for 10’s news especially when the numbers for all afternoon shows have dropped with daylight savings. However, a huge contrast across the markets with Brisbane now struggling.

Worth noting that the numbers at 5pm are not following through to prime time. Brisbane was the network’s best prime time market last night.


Is that Brisbane number almost half what it used to achieve before the changeover?


Yes, the average with the local bulletin was about 75k this year (and last). Sometimes it would rise to 90k and fall to just under 60k. I don’t ever recall seeing it fall below 50k for the weekday local bulletin during the ratings’ year, which has happened a few times since the centralisation.

EDIT: A YoY has Brisbane down about 50% last night.


39k is an absolutely shocking result then


Why doesn’t Sandra stand anymore ,such a waste of the set?


@lexington was explaining the realistic reasons against other people’s attacks and you play the opinion card? Opinions are everywhere doesn’t mean they’re good or can’t be rebutted.
I also think it’s poor form to encourage any member of this forum to leave or take a break.

This here is exactly the problem with the current discussions, everyone presenting their opinions on what should be happening without actually knowing or given any thought towards the realistic reasons why. 10 have NO MONEY to keep local bulletins, despite how much we want things to be the case, there are reasons behind these moves. Every comment I’ve read saying “they should have…” would result in significant costs. Their finances have resulted in cuts which means we’re in new territory.


There was plenty of backlash when they uploaded the final clip of the farewell on FB. Many commented they would be switching off… and those numbers prove it. I would be too… why support something that’s not local and not made in Queensland. Let alone not having local faces - Georgie, Jono & Josh did a lot of work outside 10 together Queensland knows them very well.


Because it is still made in Queensland, Perth and Adelaide… it is merely presented in Sydney. And while thats bad, they should be pushing the fact there are still local cammos, journos, vision editors and producers on station for 12+ hours a day to bring you the bulletin.

And that is the whole crux of my issue with the direction this thread has taken. Yes, the high profile presenters were sacked, so were a lot of behind the scenes people. Yes, it’s a stupid move but it is one born out of necessity, and from what I understand it was either this or sack three quarters of the news department and have a single national bulletin… what would this thread be saying then?

Yes, there are some editorial choices made out of necessity that shouldn’t have to be made (no info at 5pm on the Judge as an example) but these sorts of decisions have been made ever since the previous model was brought in in 2014… ever since then (broadly speaking, notwithstanding contracts remaining) there has been no chopper to get the great aerials 7, 9 and 2 share costs for… there hasn’t been 10+ local journos on the beat creating an hour of content a day. It has been this.

And now this new model sees studio production centralised… but guess what? The journos are still there. The heart still beats, albeit a little softer.

Swallow your theories, stow your cynicism and take the product for what it is… and be grateful some level of local production is still in place.


Each to their own but people are allowed to have an opinion (whether realistic or fantasy). After all, I hardly think 10 would care about what people on MS says so might as well express it on this forum.

Yes some of us think beyond reality but then again it doesn’t hurt from time to time to have fantasy thoughts. After all, people do want to see 10 do well on all fronts which has got to be a good thing.

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I think we get all this, but this is a discussion forum, we discuss stuff. It isn’t a forum for just praising the hard work of journos and producers and crews, although that does happen too, it’s a forum for all views.


Unfortunately it wouldn’t overly surprise me if this happens sometime within the next few years anyway, especially with the ratings of 10 News First as they have been of late probably making it easier for further cutbacks to be justified in the future.


To the best of my knowledge, nobody here is having a go at the various on-air and off-air personnel trying to make the best out of a bad situation. Most of the criticism here (which I suspect, many at 10 News First may even agree with - even if they’d never dare say it publicly) seems to be directed at Network Ten management who’ve got a very long track record of making poor decisions in relation to their news service/s…not that I’m saying that the other networks don’t deserve similar scrutiny whenever warranted, of course.


I’m not saying it’s not, and that it shouldn’t. But when you’re presented with facts, you (as in anyone) can’t just dig their heels in, or bury their head in the sand about how it actually is.

it is interesting to note that often times 10 leads the pack in “wild” decisions … but in the last decade 7 and 9 have not downsized their newsrooms.

I hope they’re not just borrowing time leading to an eventual major crash and burn…

I’m not saying people can’t fantasise or say how they’d do things differently… just don’t pull down other people when they rebut or even pluck those fantasies away from you.

To be totally honest, I don’t want to see 10 do well. I want them to perform bad enough that the executives are forced to answer for the poor decisions they’ve made… talk about fanciful!
I’m sick of seeing production staff pay for the incompetence of management industry wide.

Imagine then if you were the producer, who may or may not be reading this forum, putting the Queensland story to air with the local reference that started this whole tangent… or the chief of staff that tried to book the political interview, but forever reason couldn’t?

People have jumped at conclusions that aren’t exactly fair, from my point of view and the criticisms and critiques have not been aimed at management. Maybe I’m wrong, but that’s how I’ve interpreted the posts.

It’s been a long time since the views expressed were positive… and that’s also fair enough, the demise of a news service like this is always going to be sad.

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This is my main critique of the Queensland bulletin.

If 10 have prepared several local stories, find somewhere to play them between 5 and 6pm. Don’t hold them over to post 6pm.

This don’t seem like major, expensive or unrealistic request to me and it would elevate the bulletin a lot. Currently, the sparseness of local content in the early bulletin gives it a feel of a weekend national one.


I think 9 have done a pretty good job establishing their brand and moving from a “Free To Air” newsroom model to other mediums. I think they’re pretty safe, especially with the newspapers and radio brands that they’ve gobbled up.

I think 7 will be the ‘one to watch’, I don’t think their online models have been nearly as successful.


The thing I’ve dug my heels in, and been extremely consistent about for years, and years is 10 should have seen this coming, they have made next to no effort to go where the audience is, 10daily was a poor effort, they kept at it with a local 5pm bulletin despite shrinking audiences, and a mass of competition in late afternoon news.

No primetime news service, only added 6pm as they had nothing else but didn’t do anything meaningful with it. Ignored the opportunity in late prime etc etc. I have experience with 10, and 10 News and lovely people work(ed) there, it sucks the place has been burnt down due to bad decisions and consecutive managements who couldn’t see the forrest through the trees.


Agreed, especially with radio now, Nine has diversified very well, especially after almost going bust.


Though they’re working at it which is something to consider. Whether it will work in the long term or not remains to be seen.

Nine has done a pretty decent job with everything. From news to radio to 9news.com.au and other online assets it looks pretty good.

10’s pretty much gutted their online news space since the closure of 10daily and the recent direction they’re taking doesn’t bear any hope of revitalising the network’s news brand.

What online news space? lol :wink:

Exactly what I mean lol.