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The main set won’t be used. Unless they change their minds. Again.


What do you mean by “Again”? Something going on behind the scenes I assume?

Shame if it’s not. Would be perfect with a dark and moody late night theme.


Why is Sandra there?

Talks of the Adelaide set being used.

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Ok I’ll take this over a greenscreen then :joy:


It was Sandra.


I’m A Celebrity


Any reason why?

I believe 10 still uses human-operated cameras on the main set in Sydney? It may be easier to run a bulletin with a skeleton late-night crew from a space designed to be used that way.


Trust 10 to take a good idea and make it terrible with some stupid idea not to use the proper news set. Ffs!!


IMO i think it doesn’t even look that bad to be honest…


I agree, it’s not that bad, but it’s just a shame they can’t make use of their main news studio. At least this set should still give them some flexibility if they choose to do in-studio interviews etc.


At least they’re trying to get this up and running. It’s a bit difficult when their hands are tied for money.


Er, haven’t seen you in the Seven thread commenting about The Latest coming from a terrible green screen? :thinking:

If it comes from the Football set, that’s a win IMO. They’d do well to move Midday there too, they already use it for Ang & Doody’s interviews etc.

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Sounds to me like they should’ve invested in robotic cameras back when Nine did in 2017. Would’ve paid off in the long run… different circumstances I suppose.

Recent discussions are saying it’ll come from the Adelaide set up.

Is Melbourne robotic?

No I don’t read that thread. Had no idea that was happening.

I thought it was coming from the Adelaide/3:30 green screen set. If it ends up being the football set, then at leas there’s something physical to present from.

I’d have thought it isn’t. It hasn’t been discussed at least.
Don’t think Perth is robotic either.

Could’ve happened in Melbourne late last year when I noticed some changes in the angles used?

Likely done because of them wanting flexibility of the set with jib operators and the like for Studio 10 and other programming that was coming from the news set.

Yes, I saw that. But I understood that to mean it was originally meant to come from there and has now moved to the Football set, which as I said… would be a win.

Happened a few weeks back, The Latest is coming from Perth now. Brought to you by a very large desk and plenty of terrible green screen rendering.