Ten News First Content and Appearance

Yeah, would be nice if they did try and accommodate small set. I could be wrong but as Hutt St was purpose built, I seem to remember reading somewhere that the brief included space to allow for a set/presentation area (Future proofing) even though they didn’t initially build one. The current Eastwood office space… well, seems to be more… office space.

Sport from the newsroom has generally been with a handheld mic.

Meanwhile, interesting to note that the later afternoon updates with Kate lately have been from the same presentation space as the 3:30 News uses for weather etc.


I would imagine that there was some sort of presentation area given they still did sport and weather from Adelaide (though the latter was mainly on location).

GWN has shown that you can build a set into an office space (albeit they seem to have fixed cameras, and don’t have the issue of a sports presenter).

I would imagine that the afternoon updates are done from the 3.30 weather sport because Adelaide’s studio is being used for the afternoon news.

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That fact that news is even locally (sorta) presented in Adelaide is a miracle, could be worse… like Queensland :sweat_smile:


The only difference I’ve noticed between the current Sydney and Adelaide presentation is that Sydney tends to use full-screen OTS slightly more often than Adelaide does. Not sure what you mean by better, or interaction between presenters, the set up and way it works would be near identical in both locations.

But the old presentation from Hutt Street was without a doubt superior to what we now have. Dynamic camera shots and their standing presentation area made the bulletin feel more complete.

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I think what he means by better interaction is when the bulletin is done from Adelaide, sometimes they don’t have the handover to sport. Instead the newsreader will do the sports preview, then after the break the sports presenter does the sports segment from the greenscreen, then says that the weather is up next, then after the break newsreader reappears.


Using two presentation areas simultaneously (Sydney and Adelaide), news presenter can cross to, chat with sports presenter and sports presenter throw back to news presenter etc. Basically a live cross between locations. When there is only the Adelaide presentation area in use, they can’t do that (unless they crossed to newsroom/on location) and I assume have to physically swap places during the ad-break.

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That cap with him in the 2005 - 2008 style jacket is an oldie, probably from 2008 or 2009 (it took ATV a while to phase that jacket out for the tweaked 2008 - 2011 logo without the " | ". Trying to work out the events he’s pictured at.


10 not quite done with adding select news clips to 10 play it seems, these have just appeared again

Note the old 10 travlr (now defunct) tile for the NT which would have to be at least 2 years old - anyone else still seeing this or just me?


What a weird page. Untitled “national” bulletins at the top, some news stories, “featured content” of unrelated non-news shows followed by international news.

They need a dedicated news website badly.


The page definitely needs some work, can’t see them opting to launch a dedicated news site anytime soon (if ever) but I do find it kind of hilarious that they link this page in some social media posts as some sort of call to action where there is nothing to see.

I have to say though, following their Instagram account there has been a big shift in the quality and frequency of posting there the last few weeks - they actually link news/headlines back to either digital stories on Youtube or clips from the bulletin etc.

Youtube still going strong for them too, growing audiences and views, along with posting archive clips etc.


How do they continue to get the timing of the Afternoon bulletin so wrong, this afternoon Narelda was saying “That’s it for 10 News First Afternoons” and got cut off with Neighbours starting.

Given Midday is usually a pretty slick bulletin, the presentation and timing of Afternoons is disappointing to say the least.


No local in Sydney/brisbane? There was a generic national opener.

If this is the way forward in these two markets, it’s a complete and utter disaster.


Must be one single bulletin airing in both Sydney and Brisbane

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Looks like it but it’s not really good enough.

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I’d say it is because there are just a few stories in the opening segment and they would be the same for both markets - first was the defamation case then lots of reporting on the Bondi stabbing and now Israel.


It’s definitely that. But I do wonder if either of those markets will get any local windows at all??

Edit: looks like segment 2 is local. Very suburb specific reports during that section of the bulletin.


Seems like they will shuffle sections 1 and 2 depending on story priority.


Watched the opening of 10 News tonight in a long time, oh gosh their graphics quality is so hard to read! Can’t even produce HD quality?

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Tonight South African time, the six remaining contestants in I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here will see a special edition of 10 News First (it will air tomorrow during the show). I wonder who will present the bulletin - Sandra or Narelda?

Anyway, the bulletin will be very hard to watch given what happened in Sydney in the last three days.


Probably Sandra. It always has been in previous years.