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Is the 6pm half hour in Sydney on tape record? There has been no live crosses just replays of reports from the 5pm half hour.

Not for our benefit… Four look-lives at the top of our bulletin. Studio 10 was live into Qld but the 5pm News isn’t. Useless.


Absolutely useless. It’s a disaster really given the changing nature of emergencies in particular these flood crises. Surely after a year and bit of this nonsense 10 may have seen the light but the management are thick as two planks at that place.

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Could they present the Brisbane news from The Project Sunday studio and set? Would let both the Sydney and Brisbane news go out live during these events.

Or, could they use the old Adelaide desk that has been tucked away at Pyrmont and point a camera at it?


Old Adelaide set is still in Adelaide unused.

10 clearly don’t care enough unfortunately.


They could use a screen and a camera and do it live from Sydney or better yet use an experienced reporter live in QLD to anchor on location and switch it from Sydney.


I think the issue is they don’t have the staff or resources to run a bulletin. That’s the issue.

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There are no line up producers, no directors, no auto cue operators, no link technicians, no servers for story play out, no Mosart automation, no floor managers, no studio camera operators at 10 in Brisbane.

Similarly there are no spare directors, lineup producers, auto cue operators, spare servers for story play out, no spare Mosart automation, no studio space available in Sydney.

And no, they can’t use The Project Sunday set because it’s not theirs to use.


Interesting. Where’s the Sydney Project set located? Just assumed it was in Pyrmont somewhere but obviously not.

It definitely is, I think just the notion that it’s there and they should use it is wrong. Seems it may be a Roving asset, and in any case there’s nobody to operate it to make that happen, so it’s a bit of a pipe dream that 10 could provide such a service currently

I still think they should’ve had some local updates today between Studio 10 and the news, they could’ve had the reporters in the field spread the load of doing them - similarly to their bare bones election coverage of past years.


Guys… this is as good as it gets unfortunately. Anything else would require more staff and resources.

Sydney’s news would’ve been live at the beginning but most likely pre recorded after 6pm to make way for a live bulletin into Brisbane.


No time to prerecord that 6pm half hour though… unless you want it done at 3pm?

It would’ve been the standard affair last night.

Whose producing those? Whose shooting and presenting them?

They’re already stretched to have stories back on station by 2pm for editing.

Mate, we don’t need to know or take into consideration every finite detail to strongly believe that they’re doing a disservice to their viewers by not providing the bare minimum coverage of a flooding emergency.

Get extra people in, surely there are freelancers open to work, can’t be that much additional resource to provide what I suggested.

They’ve sent someone from Sydney to cover the UK in the event the Queen dies and backup JPG in Poland, yet can’t get a few local updates to air throughout the middle of the day of a local unfolding emergency?

Give me a break.

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This scenario should also tell management that their priorities are wrong and that they need to improve their service and put more money into news. We aren’t saying the budgets of Nine and Seven, but at least something resembling a passable service for their markets.

Think about what they did covering the 2011 floods. Now they barely manage to get a local bulletin to air.


:rofl: okay mate.

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I’m all for National news bulletins or state, it doesn’t really bother me, however what does bother me is hybrid editions of news reports where locations are either purposely or accidentally left out.
Examples of why this isn’t really acceptable is when covid restrictions are changing and when something is broadcast it causes confusion when each state are at different stages. Also, I personally believe that localised news reports still have their purpose like in natural disasters as the content and context has a significant purpose to inform the audience.
I hate to say it but when 10 are broadcasting things an hour late and at times from what I’ve seen in the past haven’t been clear to where the report is located, are they really fulfilling the idea of current up to date news.
This also isn’t a dig to the people who work on any program but obviously a perspective that management need to value the news whether it is simply acknowledging the delay in broadcast or where the report is from.

100% agree. The service 10 delivers is shit, but constant suggestions about what should be done while saying that the logistics of what should be done are irrelevant are moronic


Moving on…

10 had half hourly updates from 12pm til 4pm then the regular 4.30, 4:45 & 4:53 Updates in Sydney & Brisbane. they ran for 1:30 until 4:30.


We’re a media forum for majority enthusiasts, we don’t have to know all the in’s and outs to critique the shit decisions 10 or any other broadcaster or media organization make.

Fair to say there are often outlandish comments made about what 10 should be doing which are obviously unrealistic, but I felt my suggestion of what I thought they should be delivering at an absolute bare minimum wasn’t that far fetched - whether you agree or not is fine but you often attack people who don’t know better otherwise.

Don’t take it all so seriously.