Ten News First Content and Appearance (2015-Sept 2020)

That’s interesting… I had thought since it was a full Graphics Package, it would be difficult to change things like that (it still said “First at Five” during the morning bulletin for the Thailand rescues) but I imagine things like Microphone flags and whatnot can be easily changed. Would be odd seeing a new logo on a previous graphics package… :hushed:

Who knows…we will have wait and see!


Sydney news update by Sandra Sully just shown in Melbourne by mistake during an ad break for Have You Been Paying Attention?.

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Came here to say the same thing. Could’ve mistaken it for a national update if it wasn’t for the weather on the super - the distinction between ‘City’ and ‘West’ being the giveaway here

And the fact it had a Sydney backdrop :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh well mistakes happen! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Guess I wasn’t really… paying attention.


Perhaps it wasn’t a mistake but a necessity due to unforeseen circumstances with the Melbourne update.


quite possible. it’s really only during the daytime they’d run a CSA as filler for a missing/broken update.

Interesting co-branding in this video

Graphics blooper at the end of the Adelaide news


What graphics are those??? Is that a TV screen graphic?

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Looks to be the graphics used on the headline recap at 5:30


rElAuNcH!1!1 :stuck_out_tongue:

Jokes aside, quite unusual.


Heard all of Tens news managers have been in Sydney the last couple of days talking all things news relaunch.


RELAUNCH!! :stuck_out_tongue:

I seriously can’t wait to see what they come up with and I’m certainly intrigued by 10 News First (if it is indeed planned)


All Media Spy Members right now:

Finally, it’s great to hear that Ten (or “10” soon possibly) is making steps in regaining their News credibility, post- a full Network relaunch. CBS was the absolute perfect fit for Ten, even their corporate logos are similar, and the CBS Sports inspired look for Sports Tonight fits so well with Ten’s general branding.

I, as are all of us, am really looking forward to how Ten will position themselves as a News Service going forward alongside the other Networks. I’m also hoping CBS has seen the potential of the Pyrmont studios, to reincorporate the Newsroom into the Set design, perhaps make Sydney Ten’s flagship News Hub. News sets don’t have to be confined to desks and backdrops, and they have proven that in the past during most of the 2000s.

I’m hoping we will see something fresh and compelling in terms of the “Ten/10 News” brand relaunch, very exciting weeks to come in this discussion. :smile:


tennewsfirst.com.au has been registered by Network Ten. The mystery continues…


I really hope they aren’t branding their bulletin around the “first at”
Ten News - First at 9, First at 11 etc

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Definetly can see a relaunch of the news, abnd hopefully returning the local bulletins for weekends for Perth Adelaide, otherwise it defeats the purpose of Ten News First. That’s just my few cents.


Why? At least it’s something. It’s a selling point. It’s an attempt at a competitive edge. It’s something already associated with Ten News, as I said. Go for it, I say.

For example, I can see them claiming “First” at breakfast by being less “Karl and Georgie chitchat” and more “cut to the chase first” type of show.

By the way, just on sets - I don’t think having a large space in back - as Americans say - is necessarily a winner. A good news set these days should probably be a cool and comfortable but intimate space, in my humble opinion.