Ten Network - Programs and Schedules

It literally says that 2 comments above :point_up_2:t3:

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Highly likely it will be. But they could be looking to diversify and return to half hour lifestyle formats that did okay in the 90s and noughties. Maybe a summer show?

Interesting to note that just 2 weeks ago now, I proposed a stripped renovation format with a similar sought of theme in the Mock Schedules thread :thinking:


I just find it so unoriginal compared to what theyā€™re doing with pilot week formats etc.

Sounds like Changing Rooms from ā€˜98-ā€˜01. Aired on Nine with Suzie Wilks


Yes. I remember fondly Seven and Nineā€™s schedules packed with feel good lifestyle content. Our House, Backyard Blitz, Ground Force, Great Outdoors, Body Work, Room for Improvement, Auction Squad etc. Canā€™t recall any ever airing or succeeding on Ten.

The Renovators was a good concept executed poorly.

Healthy, Wealthy and Wise :wink:

Their younger lifestyle shows reads like a ā€œwhatā€™s thatā€: Live This, The Blue Planet et al.


Oh yes, I forgot about Huey and Tonia Todman

Perhaps a re-boot of that or Bright Ideas or even Bricks and Mortar may come next - perhaps as a late morning/early afternoon program?


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Remember Kochieā€™s Your Money Your life show on ten? There was also some motoring or drive show with James Morrison. They failed spectacularly.

Ten had Bricks and Mortar (1991-92) and Bight Ideas (1997-2005)for a while there during the day on Saturdays. The Do It Yourself Show (1984) aired in QLD, now sure about anywhere else though.

Although, they were never going to be rating juggernauts, for a time they held their own to an extent - with the later running for around 8 years. I think the thing that killed Bricks and Mortar was expanding it to a 1 hour lifestyle show rather than keeping it simple as a 30 minute program.

Maybe Health, Wealthy and Wise for 6pm weeknights?

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With Jeff Jansz? He was on it back in the days?

Would fail miserably. Theyā€™ve already tried similiar programming in Jamie Oliver at 6pm.

Remember Level 23 anyone?

Wasnā€™t that an interesting program. Another try at something new and it failed dismally.

James Morrisonā€™s show was called Behind the Wheel.
Had Your Money Your Life not flopped, Kochie would not be co-hosting Sunrise now.

Considering the market it was trying to attract, yes it did fail. Family viewing and news/current affairs shows are king from 5pm til about 9:30pm at night.

it was probably more suited to 4:30pm (but that has been occupied by Bold and The Beautiful for many many years)