I was baffled that Jam Jam got so many votes. I thought it would have been a split decision with Carolyn. Overall disappointed, there didn’t seem to much game play, nearly all idols were wasted or played incorrectly.
I wonder if Nine might consider relinquishing the rights. The show really messes with 9Go’s ratings - lowest share of the year last night.
I was a bit underwhelmed by this season. Too much crying lol. Perhaps that’s a reflection of the world we live in but geez people need to get a grip sometimes. It’s a game, you’re not there to cure cancer or world hunger. Yet people start blubbing about “how proud they are of themselves”… ugh.
I also think the game has introduced too many obscure advantages, it just confuses things. Wish they would get back to basics a bit. Also an observation, at tribals the players seemed awfully well dressed and made up. The women were even wearing make up and they all seemed to have their hair done…
Personally I think what would help is if they included some players who weren’t “superfans”. I think the game would flow a bit more naturally like it used to if there were people there who weren’t quite so obsessed with it.
I highly doubt that is the case. Carolyn for example has really dark hair (she just dyes it blonde) so she has very dark and prominent eyelashes that look like mascara. Otherwise you are probably confusing filtering/lighting in the edit with makeup.
A group of 18 contestants are brought to a deserted island and divided into different tribes as they face a series of physical and mental challenges against the other contestants in the hopes of winning the title of “Sole Survivor.”
I suspect that producers would have disappointed in the end of the first episode of the new season last night with someone voluntarily leaving the game. Seems like poor casting choice in Hannah. Even with the extended time premiere we still seemed to be in the dark about exactly what happened with Brandon and that that he doesn’t remember making it back onto the barge plus the editing choice to not show the end of the Sweat vs. Savvy challenge.
I thought it was a really good opening episode. It felt a bit more old school casting and tribal dynamics. We also haven’t had a quitter like that for a very long time.
Jeff has revealed that there was another twist that they completely edited out of the episode due to the no vote. Apparently the winning tribe got to send someone to the losing tribe beach before Tribal Council and that person got to cast a valid vote before Tribal. It sounds like we might see that twist play out in future eps.
At one stage I thought both Hannah and Brandon were going to quit. I think they need to re-think some of the casting. To have two players crying and struggling on day 1 is pretty poor. Actually there was just so much crying, it kind of spoils it. Hopefully things pick up.
I was expecting two challenges in most of these early 90 minute episodes - reward and immunity. Though I and enjoying hearing a lot more of the discussion fro tribes mates that we sometimes missed before.
Hosted by Joel Dommett, this brand new series of the ultimate physical and psychological game promises viewers a compelling test of brains, brawn and betrayal as players compete to outwit, outplay and outlast their rivals to be crowned the Sole Survivor.
The first episode will air on BBC One and BBC iPlayer on Saturday 28 October at 8.25pm. Episode two will follow on Sunday 29 October from 8pm.
I hope one of the channels airs Survivor UK locally for us.
Surely this is a prime pick up for 10Play, following from the trend of airing international versions of their programs (including Survivor (NZ & Sth Africa).
What’s with all the quitters this season? Ugh starting to get really annoying. Casting need to lift their game. I think they need to up the average age of players to be honest.
Crazy tribal last night with a shot in the dark save leading to no legitimate votes in the first count. Poor strategy by the “tribe” to all vote for the same person.
Yeah it was entertaining, but I couldn’t believe they all voted for him. I thought Emily was his ally but even she voted for him. For a second I thought he might not be safe in the re-vote but glad he was.