Survivor (US)

Yes I saw the show. But really, doing nothing all season, winning no challenges and not even trying in some, crying all the time, and hiding an idol (which is kinda what you should do), is enough to win? Nah.

She was articulate at tribal yes. But that wasn’t why that jury voted that way. People will disagree but a jury that young and diverse are reluctant to vote for the straight, middle-aged white guy in these times. Jeff doesn’t help and basically stokes the flames by emphasising every sad story from their real lives.

Survivor has reached peak wokeness for me and I’ve found the last two seasons hard to watch, despite some interesting twists in game play.

That’s not true, just your opinion.

You are dumbing it down way too much. She literally convinced someone to give her their Idol when she already had one. That is genius. Kind of like what Parvati did in HvV except that Maryanne never needed to play both. She was pretty much the only person to keep an advantage a secret, when so many contestants downfall this season came from others knowing about the advantages they had.

Oh please. That’s going a bit far. I never saw Mike winning because of his gameplay. If he won it would have only been because he was so likeable, which ended up being his downfall. He turned on close allies and gave his word to too many people. The fact that his Idol was pretty much offered to Lindsey, Maryanne and Jonathan really shows why he didn’t win.

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From tomorrow, S1-41 will be available to stream for free on 10 play as well as P+.

That doesn’t include the latest S42 which just wrapped up on 9Go!, which is available to stream there until 23rd June.

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New season commences in its usual timeslot with a 2 hour premiere episode.

Thursday 22 September 7:30 PM 9Go!

Not sure what the point of a 90 minute episode was last night. At least they should have had a reparate reward challenge instead of a combined one.


They had to fit in all the sob stories.

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So over the sob stories the last few seasons. But seems to be a sign of the times everywhere these days. Everyone is a victim.

Also as a 50-somerhing myself they seem to pick older players who look older than they are, and are not particularly fit. I could pick ten of my friends who could run rings around that guy and look 15 years younger.

I’m a fan of longer episodes when there is a need too (e.g. a merge or tribe swap episode) but episode 2 didn’t need it. They must be trying to use the start of the season to give a chance to get to know the contestants before the game ramps up.

I wasn’t really feeling this cast until episode 3. Maybe it was just the shorter episode that felt punchier and better.

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I actually liked the cast from the get go, probably more than the previous two seasons, but dear god please no more endless sob stories. It feels like nowadays unless you have a juicy sob story you aren’t going to get cast.

I’ll always watch until it gets axed but it’s so formulaic these days. Regurgitated challenges, same tribe configurations and way too many pointless gimmicks (grabbing each bead to initiate the idol). I also really hate that the show starves them so much because it’s only 26 days now.

The episode lengths haven’t bothered me, though they could have at least played the intro for the longer ones.

I did love that Gabler’s idol is only valid for two tribal councils. Thank goodness there is no more hoarding the damn thing until the very end. Shame about the other idols though.

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Totally agree with all your comments here.
The sob stories are too much but it seems to be a reflection of today’s society.


Sexton competed on season 6 of Survivor (Survivor: The Amazon). He was the first one voted off at the merge and the seventh to leave the game overall, finishing the season in 10th place.

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2023 Final is once again available live.

Thursday 15 December

12:00 PM - 3:00 PM AEDT Live all markets 9Go!

After defeating all their opponents and navigating dangerous twists and turns, the remaining castaways compete in the grand finale to be crowned the Sole Survivor.

Includes Reunion Show

Replay 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM local time

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Season 44 1 March 2023

That was a very disappointing outcome. Obviously the strongest players weren’t in the F3 but I thought that Cassidy deserved that in a landslide based on who she was up against. She was involved in almost every vote, so it was disappointing to have such bitter jury that voted for the likeable guy.

All reports from production are that season 44 is amazing. Even in the promo Jeff called it one of the most entertaining seasons and has said the same in some interviews. The promo showed a lot more than they usually do and looks like a lot of fun characters mixed with a few crazy moments. I’m really looking forward too it.

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Completely agree. The end of this season was really crap and produced one of the worst winners ever. Definitely not a season to ever watch again.


Same hear. Hated the jury choice.

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