Supermarkets and Retail

Signage from a new Woolworths Metro (Mosman in Sydney)



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I don’t get it. Are all the shops and buildings just hospitals in disguise?

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There was an article recently with the boss of Costco in Australia who hinted that they’re looking at several new locations - wouldn’t be all that surprising if they start looking at places like Geelong and Wollongong

Seen this old Bi-Lo trolley at the Coles in Moss Vale which used to be a Bi-Lo meaning it has been away from the store for over a decade and a half


Noticed my local Coles have installed these new exit gates at all registers including self serve. Essentially you cannot exit the store without going through one of these gates. They go green and open when you pay. I guess this will attempt to stop people walking out with trolleys of meat and vitamins.


They’re common in the UK at some stores like Morrisons.

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They were pretty common in Sweden, but without the automated part: you instead scanned the barcode on your receipt to exit.

This is also probably why the Coles self-checkouts at those places always print a receipt now. If the gates fail to pick you up, at least there’s a way of verifying that you’d paid I guess.

Might stop some. But if people want to steal, they will still find another way. Concealing stock on ones person is probably what they will do.

Will those gates open for me if I leave empty handed? There will be occasions when the items I am looking for (such as half price specials) are sold out, and I don’t want to pay for something I don’t need just to open the gate.

No they won’t open. I walked into a Coles to buy a cold drink the other day and their fridges hadn’t been stocked up. So I tried to leave through those gates but couldn’t. Eventually the doors opened so I assume the supervisor at the self serve checkout saw me and pushed a button to let me out.

There was an article or a TokTik going around the other day of a lady in Coles who used a serviced check out, paid, but then had her trolley lock up as someone in the self service checkouts had made the gates lock. She had to have a supervisor come over and unlock the trolley.

Trolleys can be remotely stopped now?

I have only seen those trolley wheel locks where once the trolley is 1km etc from the store they freeze up.


Disappointed? I mean who cares, how many other stores are within 10 mins?

The story is being spun the wrong way. Lease was up, BIGW put in a better offer for the landlord. If they are so upset to be closing it, when then that’s a failure on the property teams inside Kmart.

Who gets ‘upset’ and ‘disappointed’ over a Kmart closing. Do people seriously have no life?


The ‘Kmart crowd’ (as I call them) who would buy their cheap Anko ‘clones’ of popular items, as seen in various fluff pieces by some online news sites.


Everyday I see this trash across multiple news sites.

‘Run, don’t walk’ alongside some Kmart Hack or disposable $2 plastic thing that will change the world.

These people who visit this store every second day to scout out ‘hacks’ need some serious help. I probably visit the place once or twice a year.

Who can forget when Melbourne lockdowns came to an end and people camped out at Kmart in tents. Very sad.


I went to Kmart in the lead up to Christmas in the first time in god knows how long - 5 minutes was enough to tide me over for a long time to come. The place has become like a $2 landfill shop


They don’t know how good they have it compared to my area. If I want to buy stuff from KMart (unless you count the smaller KHub stores) which I almost never go to since the Big W here caters to my needs. I have to travel 45 minutes to an hour to reach one and even then I don’t complain about the distance. People getting attracted to a store selling Reject Shop quality junk where they can literally drive to another one in a short distance.