The profit margins on them must be…do I have to say it?
45c for this delicious looking soup -
Given Apple were the first chain store to shut, will they be the first to reopen?
I only buy shoes online if it is exactly the same shoe I have bought before. Otherwise I have to try them on first. Depending on the brand I’m either a size 10.5, 11, 11.5 or 12.
That’s not confusing at all. Reminds of the classic lines from Kath and Kim.
Kim : I’m not a size 16, Mum. I’m a size 10!
Kath : Ha! (mutters) Country Road, size 10!
I know what Bigfoot oops sorry @littlegezzybear means.
Locally my shirt size is XL, but in America, I’m only a medium.
I like American shirts
Heaps of Disposable gloves, hand sanitiser, spray disinfectants etc at my local woolies including the normal Woolworths brand hand sanitiser which is big and only $3.50.
Woolworths may have to get rid of the toilet paper limit soon to start moving stock I think.
I’d like some of the different brands and sizes to return
Me too. I usually buy the Quillton Triple Length from Woolworths but I haven’t seen it since mid February.
It’s gone.
Good. The 1 pack limit signs were still up for toilet paper at my local Woolworths this afternoon. And the shelves were all full, but there were only three lines available.
Still have next to no toilet paper at my local Coles
3XL US = 7XL in Australia
I actually have a 9XL shirt sitting in a cupboard. A good muumuu for a regular person.
Big W store’s shock sudden closure:
It goes both ways. In many regional towns that often means only one pharmacy can operate there, with no competitors allowed, thus the cost of medicines is higher.
Though the federal Health minister can override the rules. In the newish suburb of Coombs in the ACT the territory planning rules for the still near empty shopping centre and the federal pharmacy location rules meant it was legally impossible to have a chemist in the shopping centre or nearby health and well being centre. A lobbying campaign from the Capital Chemist group eventually succeed with the federal Health minister granting an exemption to allow a chemist in the health and well being centre, that also has a medical centre, gym and childcare centre.