Supermarkets and Retail


Interesting article, yeah I don’t conisder JB HIFI essential either. Clearly this government couldn’t even get the essential part right. If JB HIFI is that worried then they should make the call to temporarily close if they can afford it. Obviously there is the ramifications of people losing their jobs.

For a large portion of what JB HiFi Sell, i’d agree - but you could argue that their sales of Computers (and related equipment) and Communications (phones etc) could be considered essential, especially given the need for Work from Home.

The definition of essential has this massive grey area that I don’t think anyone has been able to define - even in NZ, they’ve had to change the definition of essential.

But lets be honest here - the reason this is a story isn’t that the definition of what is essential is a bit shit, its because people are electing to ignore the social distancing requirements.


The thing is many of these businesses, like JB Hi Fi have actually seen massive increases in sales as a side effect of COVID19, therefore employees would not be eligible for the JobKeeper payment as many outspoken staff seem to assume.

I do emphasise with those that are still working in businesses that have experienced a significant decrease in turnover who would be otherwise eligible for the payment, must be very frustrating!


 the line has to be drawn somewhere financially.

Retailers that can afford to stay in business and can implement effective social distancing measures should remain open.

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Finally got a 50ml bottle of Dettol hand sanitiser via Amazon. $3.50 including delivery. 1 bottle limit. Still some available if anyone is desperate!


My local Chemist Warehouse had 50 to 100mL bottles and tubes of hand sanitiser (including that Scott brand which seems to be everywhere now) ranging from $4 to $7. All out in the open, next to the checkouts.

It’s STILL cheaper to buy metho and mix your own. It works out to be around $7 a litre rather than $70 a litre.

Every pharmacy I’ve passed in the last week has had stock available, in Perth most stock has been 500ml bottles made my local chemical manufacturing businesses, averaging around $20-25/500ml.

There’s going to be a massive oversupply of the stuff in the comings weeks I can imagine, prices won’t be far away from returning to normal.


Do you mix it with Aeroplane Jelly?

The use of methylated spirits would not be recommended as an ingredient for hand sanitizer as it is a lab product not a pharmaceutical product.

From a manufacturer:

Idiots like Sunrise and Shannon Lush saying that you can use it are spreading bad advice.


I seriously doubt that whether the metho is technical grade or pharmaceutical grade would make a significant difference in terms of safety or performance. You are using it externally on your hands, not ingesting it. Any trace nasties won’t penetrate the skin.

The manufacturer obviously wants to cover their arse just in case something nasty fell into the tank, so they’ll put out a statement recommending that you use their more expensive fragranced metho-based product.

Let’s not forget that unlike other countries, in Australia, methylated spirit is pretty much just pure ethanol with bitterants mixed in. It almost certainly won’t harm you even if you drink the stuff.

International advice will be different - for example, in the US, denatured alcohol is deliberately denatured using benzene and methanol. Nasty stuff.


That’s more than “panic” buying
 attempted profiteering.

Serves him/her right.


 is that shag carpeting on the side of the escalators?

Found a photo of the current decor on google, taken from roughly the same spot


Kmart are closing three of their stores to convert them to full-time online fulfilment locations, one in QLD, VIC and NSW each. Please mind the clickbait headline:

Makes sense, but the choice of Top Ryde for their Sydney location is somewhat confusing.

Top Ryde seems to be one of the worst stores to convert to online because it is located on a very inconvenient level of a shopping centre. I don’t think they have good loading dock access, either.

The only reason I can think they’d choose it is because the indivdual shopping centre there has seen a huge downturn due to the cluster of COVID cases in that area. Plus it’s a real bastard to get to by car, much of their foot traffic is public transport driven.

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Didn’t realise they were still in business.

Because Aussie Disposals don’t advertise a lot on TV and radio in recent years. It’s mostly Anaconda.

Same. Haven’t seen a store in years.

Just wondering - what’s the cheapest packaged food item you can buy at the supermarket?

The one I noticed while shopping the other day was wafers, 55 cents at Woolworths for a good sized packet.