
Maybe she was supposed to be on holidays but whover was her replacement, suddenly couldn’t do it.

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Last weekend, Eddy posted on her Instagram that she was now on holidays but with a brief cameo (this) weekend. So she was always going to be hosting this weekend.


He was having a holiday, supporting the local economy.

It just fell at an unfortunate time. Sunrise were tearing into him like dogs (even after he stated that people are ‘trying to make this political’).

Most of the commentary was unneeded, and very sensationalist.

The opposite goes for their LNP counterparts (even though they aren’t in government). They get very cosy, and agree with most of what they state. A double standard IMO.

He doesn’t need to be in Brisbane (or in the immediate disaster area) to run the state and coordinate responses.


Sorry if this fell off topic.


There is a fully functioning person called a Deputy Premier who is quite able to perform all the Premiers duties if he/she is unavailable for any reason (overseas duties, annual leave, illness, family/personal reasons etc.).
Give the man a break, he like all of us deserves a holiday & time to focus on family. This is just media hype. Don’t fall into their sensationalist traps.
This is just a mindless repeat of what happened to Scomo.


Again the mind boggles defending labor when they this idiot took a holiday when a disaster was in his state. You were a;l screaming for blood when Scomo was out of the country during the bush fires.

Same situation applied. Needs to answer for it, but I know I want a leader who is able to put his hat on and stay in the job and in office to do what needs to be done.

You can argue with me to the cows come home, but I definitely see an issue with what is,perceived from my perspective as a lack of leadership. Totally fine with how he got tested on Sunrise

You guys would be calling for a liberal hanging if a liberal did thus in Queensland.

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Totally different with ScoMo. He was in Hawaii, knew about the issue and hid. Wasn’t seen at home for about a week, using his wife and kids as cover.

Miles was aware and worked from elsewhere in the state looking after his family.

Not even close vis a vis dereliction of duty


I am a Labor supporter generally speaking but I don’t like Miles and I don’t think he should have been appointed Queensland Premier. Ever since he ripped up a bill from NSW for quantine during the Coronavirus pandemic he lost all credibility from me. I do agree that the situation with Scotty from Marketing was completely different but as the Premier I expected better. At least he was still in the state and it was only one day.

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8-12/1/2024 Mon and Beretts presenting this week. Angie Asimus is on news and Katie and JT are still on sport and weather respectively.


Tegan Dolling back out reporting in Melbourne so she hasn’t had a break in a while either.

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Aren’t they a bit senior to be the summer, weekend fill-ins?


I hate that ‘Breaking News’ looks exactly the same as the rest of the package. No point of difference, no urgency.


I hate that ‘Breaking News’ is now the most overused term in news media. I am old enough to remember the days when an anchor would say ‘Now to some breaking news’ and the room would go quiet. Now they throw to a reporter on scene for ‘breaking’ news. How can it be breaking when you’ve already got a reporter on scene, photos, interviews etc. Laughable!


Yes it was laughable that the Tokyo plane crash was referred to as breaking news this week the morning after it happened. (One of many examples).


Standing opener at 7am.
Mon and Beretts in the presentation area.
Reporters on screen in hosting area.


True. You’d probably say DEVELOPING over BREAKING, but I’m sure they have data somewhere that says Breaking is more attention grabbing.


Meanwhile… why aren’t the media asking where Mr Dutton is? He’s federal opposition leader and a Queenslander… how did he help either of the disaster zones in Qld?
And what was Mr Crisafulli’s contribution apart from whinging and complaining to any media outlet who will listen (sadly, that’s most of them giving him lots of air time).


Probs on holidays mode still

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What’s the point of having the hosts stand in front of screens but then put the reporters on a different screen where the hosts usually are?


Agree. It was a bit unusual, that’s why I posted it.