Sunrise (2015-Sept 2020)

I vaguely remember David Brown’s Weather Centre. Does anyone have any caps of it?

I remember that too, and Monique used it very briefly too. I used to have caps of it from the old forum but I lost them. I will do some searching… :slight_smile:

Found this:

Credit to original uploader.


We did that as a cost saver to bring weather off the road… but you really need a roaming weather reporter


I seem to recall watching one morning where Monique showed that most of what was behind her was actually a green screen?

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I have seen more of David Brown presenting from it and I gather that to the left of that shot, there is a green screen where Brownie actually pointed to the maps etc. @blackbox would you kindly verify? And if you or anyone has anymore videos/caps, it would be greatly appreciated. :slight_smile:

No, it was an actual set.


Yes, when David Brown took over the set was moved to Melbourne and put in the news studio. He also used the green screen.

Monique then did sporadic crosses on the road that were a bit like weather without the weather. We would go out every couple of weeks for a few days.


Ahhh the Sunrise Weather Tracker. Gee it was such a good concept and was a quality service. It probably would have some good use now.

As many others have said though, Sunrise is in the shadow of its former self.

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Friday (9.12.16): Michael Usher co-hosting with Sam this morning.


Musher is doing well so far, but does that mean he might not be presenting tonight?

As should be expected, as I referenced earlier, he did do well when he filled in for Karl on Today for a number of weeks a few weeks back.

Doubt it.

l watched the last hour and Michael was really impressive he was very relaxed and confident which wasn’t a surprise to me.As l said when he joined the network l thought we would see him hosting one day,and one day appearances like this morning will continue in 2017 l would think.

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Sunrise won all five days of week 50.

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Almost seems that Sunrise started winning again when Today started gloating (and promoting) that they were “Number 1”…

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To a degree, yes. Mainly from bad PR about Today, along with declining figures for Nine News and the return of rotating presenters for Nine’s Early News. And probably also worth noting is that Sunrise has reversed their format back from mid-year.

David Oldfield was on this morning discussing the rise of the One Nation party and it got heated between him and AOK,yes everyone is entitled to there opinions and we all don’t have to agree with each other. My point is some opinions cause more hatred towards certain cultures,l was just glad Andrew made sure he put a rational opinion in the discussion after Oldfield spurted his venom.

I prefer the weather presenter going around Australia instead of just presenting in a small studio.

I think sometimes Andrew can be a bit naive especially when it comes to these hot topics that they discuss, especially when it comes to certain cultures. He has to admit that there are people out there who have a concern about the rise of Islamic state and then they are the ones out there like the One Nation party who are concerned about a certain religion because of it. Either way they are all entitled to their views , BUT the way they go about it on Sunrise and on Weekend Sunrise is a national embarrassment. There is no need to get heated and chuck a tantrum (on both sides). Have a perfect reasonable discussion but I guess that’s a bit niave thinking from me though.

That’s what they (the producers) want, it apparently makes good tv.