Sunrise (2015-Sept 2020)

Sunrise will be live in Melbourne for the Melbourne Cup on Tuesday.


Good to see them back, as they did every year (pretty sure Sunrise started the year Ten lost the rights?)

Pretty sure they missed last year.

Embarrasing if Iā€™m wrong on both accounts.

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Iā€™m pretty sure Today was the breakfast show that wasnā€™t in Melbourne for the Cup last year.

Is it ever? Nine donā€™t have the rights.

Donā€™t they go to Melbourne for the AFL?

Nathan Templeton presenting sport this morning.!
Edit-Sam also presented the entertainment report this morning.


Rumours are now channel 10 want to poach Sam for their own breakfast show next year :laughing:

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Bit slow with that fake news after it has been discussed here all day. :smile:


lol I dont normally read this thread and I thought I scrolled up enough and not seen any mention of it. I was thinking maybe Pell was also being poached cause those two are joined at the hip.

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These stories always appear at contract negotiation time.

2 Likes I would assume Basil Zempilas is hosting Sunrise tomorrow if not for the week?


Iā€™d rather Matt but Basil is alright. Kochie seems to be taking some well deserved leave at the moment.


Who will be presenting sport in Perth for the week then? Barra?

@TFTV Basil said on twitter he is hosting for the week.

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Ryan my present sport also in Perth

I hope itā€™s Barra most of the time though, thereā€™s something about Ryan Iā€™ve never really liked.

Mike Amor is my favourite, then Doran (although he does have assignments to do for SN). Really donā€™t know who they will get to do Fridays next year (Matt)?


Thatā€™s not even confirmed? Who says Seven will want a host for 4 days? They might just remove Kochie. I really hope they donā€™t do 4 days with him. Itā€™s all or nothing. I hate inconsistency and this idea just screams it. If heā€™s really insistent on cutting down, make him the Ross Greenwood of Seven.


Iā€™m really hoping itā€™s Matt Doran.


It is not ideal but market research clearly shows that Kochie is who attracts the viewers. Even back in 2011, Boland suggested replacing Kochie with Matt White as Sunrise needed a ā€˜refreshā€™ but the viewers love his daggy style so the attention turned to Mel (which to me indicates a Sunrise push that saw Seven ā€˜promotingā€™ her). So, Sunrise would be in the wrong by replacing Kochie and easing him into retirement is the best option.

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