Studio 10 (2015-2020)

Do you have any ratings data to back that up? You might not have liked certain elements but I would point out that when the extra hour launched, the show was still rating really well. In fact, the increase in audience for he 11-12 hour was in the double-digits.

I thinks it’s a bit unfair to say the rot had set in. I get that’s your opinion, but it’s not backed up by ratings.


Robbo back on the show soon


Craig back later this month also

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What’s the big issue with the lifts dinging? It has been a constant on every news bulletin from Pyrmont for eons. No biggie.

Which other TV show sounds like it’s filmed in a hotel foyer?


None, but that’s the unique and interesting thing about having your news bulletin hosted out of a news room. You can’t even hear it unless someone alerts you to the bing.

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You can hear the odd police sirens and construction on the morning show. A lift ding? Geez you have your telly way too loud lol!

That’s going to get a lot worse with the building diagonally across being demolished now and another one across the road from the studios just demolished.

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Jo Casamento is back on the panel today with Angela Bishop in London.


Scott Tweedie presenting Showbiz File today.
Denise Scott launches her own segment today ‘What Floats Your Boat’,sure to be a funny segment.

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Have all the photo frames fallen off the two panels either side of the Showbiz/cooking area?

I think those panels have been replaced since the newsroom set was launched.

They just haven’t cleaned the sticky marks off the screens.

Lol they are actually circles on the panels themselves.

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Well now you say it out loud, duh, of course they are. I’ve been seeing them in the caps for the past couple of weeks and just assumed the worst. My bad.

Filling in for Angela Bishop on the panel -
Monday -Jo Casamento
Tuesday -Peter Berner
Wednesday -Jo Casamento
Thursday -James Mathison
Friday - Jo Casamento


It was really weird yesterday they had Joe, James Mathison and Tommy Little on the show and kept swapping them out depending on the segment. They didn’t even have Joe on the panel when the American comedians were on.

It’s a really interesting dynamic lately, it almost feels like an actual “family” with your mum, daughter, son and crazy relatives who guest star.

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