I watched the interview this afternoon and I don’t see what all the fuss is about.
The topic in general is controversial with more people being skeptical than not of the benefits of using this as a treatment for such a young child.
The interviewee seemed a little flustered at points and I bet he knowst that he didn’t deliver his points in the most convincing manner for those watching at home.
They gave him a lengthy amount of time to talk and he even thanked them for the opportunity both at the beginning and end to deliver his side of the story.
Sarah and Jess IMO steered the conversation back on track and pulled the Dr up with facts, which any good interviewer would do. They both interrupted him yes, but excused themselves and spoke quite well.
Denise and Dean both raised good points and spoke about their own personal experiences.
The only person I thought was rude was the guest, Caroline Overington with her attitude & comments.
[quote=“JBar, post:351, topic:97, full:true”]
I like that backdrop better than the regular one they use in Sydney.
[/quote] Me too. I have gotten use to the Sydney backdrop but the green backdrop really contrasts and is an eye-sore. In fact, I really like the Melbourne set ALMOST as good as the Sydney set. [quote=“killy06, post:350, topic:97”]
Studio 10’s post Logies Melbourne studio today
[/quote] @blackbox I expected either Joe or Denise to be ‘running late’ to do with the Logie’s after party
It was also really good to see the entire panel - Ita, Joe, Jess, Denise and Sarah- on both Monday and Tuesday this week, as I have said before this panel is perfect.
Thursday (12.05.16): KIISFM’s Entertainment Reporter and Studio 10’s Life Hacks presenter John Caldwell filled in for both Ange and Craig for the first time today (IIRC, first time neither Angela nor Craig have been there). Friday (13.05.16) : Jo Casemento filled-in for Jess while Caldwell did the Showbiz File again today.
What cities and suburbs in each state does the Studio 10 weather flipper cycle through - do they do a local flipper for each Adl, Bris, Mel, Per & Syd?
Does the flipper just give suburbs of the capital city or regional cities in the state too?
Very much looking forward to seeing former WIN newsreader Kerryn Johnston discussing her battle with anxiety on Tuesday’s show.
It’s always fun to see people we are accustomed to seeing as straight newsreaders in a different light- interacting with the panel and revealing their personality in a more relaxed format.