Sarah doing the Amazon Alexa news updates this morning also now that shes back.
Is this how the talent is introducing the news update on air? I have no faith that Ten is serious about being a player in news again if they intend to whore out their brand like this. Sponsorship of a segment or bulletin is one thing but to attach the brand name to your news service like that is bewildering.
No the Studio 10 news updates throughout the bulletin (there was another at approx 9:30) has nothing to do with the Amazon Alexa news updates which they now have the host voicing earlier in the morning - was merely highlighting that Sarah had done that today now that she is back.
Mission improvable… I bet Sarah is glad she returned for this crap
I think the segment might work if you had some comedians and/or Denise involved, but aside from Peter Berner no one else on the panel really knew what to do so it all came across a bit awkward.
Good to see they are utilising Jono Coleman occasionally outside the infomercials - but his one-hit wonder segment has been done a million times before. It would be good to have him go back and review the movies for Studio 10 every Thursday morning.
I can’t help shake the feeling that 5 on the panel was a whole lot better. 4 people is a tough ask for a 3.5 hour show.
It does drag on sometimes and they don’t have the same spark by the end of it. Ideally it should just run 9-12.
Today’s game was a flop. Even comedians can struggle on Who’s Line Is It Anyway so there’s no way the journalists were going to do well. The best game they did was the one they had last week with Robbo asking questions although it was a ripoff of the one The Morning Show has done for years.
Nice to see Sarah back, but I just feel this show is heading down the same path as the Circle.
Difference now is when ten axes the circle it was cost cutting. It’s nosy cost cutting right now. But weather they’re still making money they’ll keep it.
I wonder if a show with Lisa, Sarah, Tarsh, Meshel and Gorgi would work? Maybe trial it on ten daily?
Are you nuts? Half are from Melbourne. Half are from Sydney.
Why do you want an all-female team? The balance makes the show unique.
Some thinking outside the box is great
technology makes it possible for them all to sit around a table in view of each other to help build interaction… maybe get them to do a daily video blog for 30 mins to test the waters
that is basically what Studio10 is, an all female team with only ONE guy.
ONE guy does not make it all female.
The show is female-skewing (considering that it’s the stay-at-homes who would usually watch it) but it’s great to have different people on the panel everyday.
This might’ve been just a one off for today, but it appears that Vicky Pattison appeared on the show from about (I wasn’t watching all morning, going off social media posts) 9:30am until the show finished.
Yep about 9:40
really like Vicki, she seems very down to earth and a reality star that has something to give
Hope she gets some opportunities in Australia and maybe on Channel 10
Over rated. From what I saw, she had nothing of value to add to the conversations. Just another vapid, dimwitted reality show contestant.
I don’t think Studio 10 is the right vehicle for her but I enjoyed her in the jungle. Being a guest on Hughesy We Have A Problem might be a better chance for her to let loose a bit more I think.
Pass. Her accent is too heavy for Aussie TV. I’m spending half the time trying to decipher what she said