Have to say Tarsh has been the perfect fill-in for Sarah, love her personality.Her and Denise have shared many laughs stirring each other it made great television. Yes of course we still see Tarsh if Sarah is away but l would really like to see Tarsh appear weekly on the panel or filling in if any of the regulars are away.
Anjali is a terrific and talented presenter but l just didn’t enjoy her hosting in this format.I enjoyed her appearances on the panel but just couldn’t warm to her when she was hosting.
Really nice touch from Rob coming on to thank Tarsh at the end of the show.
Very funny April Fools joke played on Rob this morning!.
Tarsh has been great. She has a wicked sense of humour which Denise has had a field day with. Over time she has let her guard down more and let her personality shine through. It is a shame Wake Up didn’t take off as filling in on Studio 10 has really shown what she is capable of. She needs to be doing more than weekend newsreading.
I really enjoyed Anjali hosting. She is a massive talent who Ten should utilise.
[quote=“Salty, post:288, topic:97”]
Have to say Tarsh has been the perfect fill-in for Sarah, love her personality… Anjali is a terrific and talented presenter but l just didn’t … warm to her when she was hosting.
[/quote] Agree. As @Mischievous1 mentioned, Tarsh has become a lot more comfortable in the position. Yes, it is a shame Wake Up was axed but it was obvious why. I think @blackbox should keep Tarsh in the opener, hence have her be the primary fill-in for Sarah, Jess and Ita/Denise. Tarsh is underutilised at Ten. Anjali was good I just felt not comfortable with her in the chair.[quote=“Salty, post:288, topic:97”]
Very funny April Fools joke played on Rob this morning!.
[/quote] This morning’s show was actually probably one of the best I have seen. I had heaps of LOL moments. From the April Fools joke to Denise’s ‘Grind my Gears’ face to Denise mowing someone else’s lawn at 10 o’clock at night. Heaps of great footage to put in the opener/promo package @blackbox. TBH, I don’t think I have laughed so much in a long time. This show truly deserves better ratings!
@nationalnews l completely agree with your comments.
I find every show Denise is on totally funny because of her self deprecating humour and wild stories of her everyday life and her past. Plus her regular segment always provides many laughs for me.
Hear Hear. Great to have her back and she is back in the grove. Also great @blackbox to have both Ita and Denise together as I have said they even each other out however, I understand that neither of them want to work the full 5 days.
EDIT: Ita finished the show today at 10 to conduct an interview with a witness in Melbourne for Studio 10’s special UFO investigation tomorrow. I suspect this as a major factor as to why Denise was the 5th panellist today.
It was actually really well done I thought, plenty of eyewitness accounts and presented by Ita Buttrose which instantly adds credibility in my opinion.
She voiced over some sections and presented the rest from the newsroom floor. Today was just part 1, with more to follow tomorrow. There was also a brief story at the end of The Project about it tonight also.
[quote=“killy06, post:303, topic:97”]
It was actually really well done I thought, plenty of eyewitness accounts and presented by Ita Buttrose which instantly adds credibility in my opinion.
She voiced over some sections and presented the rest from the newsroom floor.
[/quote] I actually agree with you. Whether or not you believe the ‘theory’ of UFOs, it is undeniable that Ita and David Robinson’s , who interviewed some of the eyewitnesses, package was really good journalism. A length, depth and care factor rarely seen even on breakfast shows. Well done @blackbox and this is where Ita really shines. Love the control room backdrop BTW.
[quote=“Travis, post:305, topic:97”]
Apparently they had to search for a 5th panelist
[/quote] The original panellist got a ‘mix up of dates’ so will appear tomorrow instead of today. Normie Rowe is today’s guest. Joe went out to find a random guest for the show, I highly suspect Rob set it up to make it seem natural to appear Rowe was just sitting there. Tried to make the micky about the situation. [quote=“Travis, post:305, topic:97”]
no videos for What in the Weird
[/quote] This morning first 5 minutes and Denise’s jellyfish face will do