Sports Broadcasting History

Yes. I think he was at 10.

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HSV :wink:


Correct, as Seven changed their logo in '89

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The cars or the station? :joy:


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Neither here nor there, but if my memory serves me correct, it was about November '89 Bruce went back to 7. I’m pretty sure his first on air appearance was either hosting or commentating a golf tournament, may have been the Aust Open? It was earlier in 1989 he negotiated an early exit from 10 (he still had about 2 years or something but 10 was in turnoil). The main reason he went back to 7 was for AFL and the 92 Olympic Games.


Had he ever done any VFL at this stage? Or all just SANFL with 7?

Im not 100% sure… but he may have called VFL when 10 in Melb had it at some stage during the 80s. Same goes with Quarters, but I dont think he’s done VFL while 7s had it. I cant even rember the year ATV10 had VFL it was prior to '87? I think there is a youtube clip of a promo for it somewhere. Probs not much help with your question.

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Also this was definitely a 1988 promo which would have gone with this promo on 7 having regained the rights.

Credit: Chevyxwon

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Yes, he did the Fosters Cup international series in 1987 with Eddie McGuire in the UK and North America, prior to that he did some VFA matches in the mid 80s.

ATV only had one or two seasons of VFL in the 1960s before switching to VFA live on Sundays through until 1986.

Bruce was one of the hosts for Channel 10’s Melbourne Cup coverage in November 1989, but didn’t call the races like he had from 1985-1988.

The Melbourne Cup must have been one of his last roles with 10.

HSV7 VFL 1988 well be there football theme (Full Version)

As opposed to what? Tiddlywinks?

Bruce never called VFL from what I know in the 1980’s, but he did call some VFA on 10’s Sundays matches until around the end of 1986, when 10 lost the rights to ABC.

Theres a video on YT somewhere of Bruce riding a boat down the Yarra at the start of Seven’s Aus Open telecast from the early 90s, possibly leading-in to the final (of course held during daytime then). Just can’t recall which year, don’t think it was 1990 (a famous year to begin the new decade and the still new Flinders Park / Nat Tennis Cen as was then known) with John McEnroe disqualified and Ivan Lendl def Stefan Edberg. But it was before Johanna Griggs joined, so must’ve been 1993, 1992 or 1991. He looked so fresh faced too.

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That ‘we’ll be there’ theme is pretty good. Though surely people must have been getting a bit sick of Mike Brady singing everything back in those days (including the Swans club song).

Nice touch of the old and the new with 1988 players standing alongside the greats. Hungry and Paul Salmon? What’s the connection there? Tommy Alvin’s there for the bluebaggers, Diesel’s representing the Swans and Warwick Capper’s been pushed to the back in a Bears guernsey.

Great promo.

Speaking of great footy promos, when did HSV do the all-time classic Seven was there? I was there when the Eagles took the flag away. I was there when Plugger, made the Swannies day.

They didn’t. However in 1987 the year Broadcom held the rights they did on sell rights to SAS10 in Adelaide and TVQ0 in Brisbane. Maybe they are the promos you are thinking of? But it wasn’t ATV10.


In Victoria, Broadcom sold the rights to the ABC

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Speaking of great footy promos, when did HSV do the all-time classic Seven was there ? I was there when the Eagles took the flag away. I was there when Plugger, made the Swannies day.

I believe that was done in 1997 to mark Seven renewing their rights to the end of the 2001 season.


Sorry, I meant when ATV10 had VFA not VFL. (very confusing… VFA/VFL then VFA/AFL now AFL/VFL again).


So during COVID sports broadcasters tried a bit of canned crowd noise (for a little while).

But am I right in my recollections that Seven did the same thing in the early 90s? Fake crowd noise?

I have vague memories of watching the Bears from Carrara and the only crowd at the stadium was a couple of wheelie bins and an old bloke walking his dog, but a huge roar would erupt when a goal was scored.

I often think, watching the Supercars coverage, that especially in pit lane after the race is finished, they add in extra ‘tyre gun’ noises in for no reason…

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