Social Media

Aren’t you paying attention? Not any more. I am no longer a perve. :stuck_out_tongue:

Glad the treatment has cured you of your problem. :smiley:

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I have Snapchat as I was talked into creating an account, but have hardly used it as I don’t see the point. I use WhatsApp for individual and group messaging, it’s much more useful.

Time to delete you account. :wink:

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This is quite disgusting.

The Channel 4 documentary on Cambridge Analytica is fuelling concerns over privacy online.

I myself am thinking about leaving Facebook or at least nuking any personal information on my profile.

Not great that Instagram is being swallowed up and manipulated by the evil empire which is Facebook.


Has anyone used this browser extension/add-on and what’s your thoughts on its usefulness?

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It works relatively well though I find it goes over the top in some ways, but thankfully it’s customisable enough that you can use the features you like and turn off the rest.


@Squee, thanks, that’s great feedback. Very useful.

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Entertainment Tonight did a story on Tik Tok and the Hype House yesterday, so I thought i’d share some info about it.

The Hype House is a mansion in Los Angeles where influencers, YouTubers and TikTokers get together to produce content for You Tube and TikTok.

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Sounds like hell on earth.

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I notice that Instagram has changed the format so you can still see the photos but must log in to read the posts. In the past, people who don’t have an account can read Instagram posts of others, unless those accounts are set to private.

Also in tik tok tonight, you can’t log in with your Instagram account any more either. You have to create a separate log in and password.

Those sticker are also on Facebook.
also i like Instagram is encouraging to stay at home.

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How reliable is the trends ranking on Twitter? From a person I follow on Twitter in the US, showing the Trump led Obamagate tweet splurge was huge but ranked well behind other words.

I notice in the past few weeks, trends ranking in Australia on Twitter have been constantly changing. Topics trending when you log in could be different to those when you log out.