Sky Racing

So, it turns out the previous Sky Racing 1 and 2 brands live on, in WA at least.

Spotted them when I was having a bet at a pub recently. They had the new green Sky 1 on the big screen, but I watched my race on Sky 2 via the TAB Touch app.

Not sure if these “WA” versions are on satellite. A recent scan doesn’t reveal much. They could be using one of the Sky Sports feeds?

(Scan courtesy

I have to say, when I first saw the rebrand I did have a bit of a chuckle at what RWWA/TAB WA must be thinking about this. It must be a monumental effort to now have 2 separate sets of graphics in such a chaotic live operation.


Notice the Harvey norman sponsor is missing from the old layout lol.

I did see it. It only shows up when the race jumps.


Are the Sky Sports Text channels just video versions of Skytext?

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Sky Sports is just a rebadged Optus Sport feed for TAB venues, isn’t it?

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It also carries the NFL/NBA coverage

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Is there any screen shots of this? I thought Sky was only Horse and Gray hound racing these days?

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I assume so. I wish I could get hold of a box to see.

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For direct-to-home viewers, yes. They have other sports for venues only.


It definitely carried the venue coverage of the FIFA World Cup too (under the banner of “Sky Sports Football 1” - presumably the 2nd channel would’ve only been needed on the final group stage day where both games happen at the same time), including other soccer programs during the duration. On-screen bug was basically aqua-turquoise-ish and grey with the type similar to that used for Sky Sports Radio’s logo.

They do send NFL Network and MLB Network (and I think too) to venues… I presume that’s what they normally send on the “Sky Sports 1-3” channels (thanks for the reminder, now that makes sense) and they would’ve repurposed at least one (probably the baseball one as it was out-of-season) during the World Cup.

Probably little different to the days of Sky Ringside/“Transponder 8”, except that boxing is very much Main Event’s remit these days, and Foxtel would want to keep a hold on the venue rights.

I guess this is what is happening with the places that are not Tabcorp run (and the WA TAB, of course, is not Tabcorp and have to come to their own arrangement to run Sky Racing) and can’t handle having the eastern-states TAB logo always present. :man_shrugging:

Having different “skins” provided by Sky is not rare. For instance, VIC greyhounds site’s live feed is just old-Sky graphics:

And although I never signed up to it, I think they use different colours of the “old” skin to differentiate between channels on Sky Racing Active, which had a multi-view - the Apple App Store has this pic (semi-mock-up I presume?) used for the Apple TV version, of different state gallops feeds [which would practically be an extension of Thoroughbred Central coverage… unclear if these still exist], and then as far as I’m aware the “code-based” feeds [which still do] used the default aqua colour as in the top-left of that.


The stranger thing for me is why they bothered to change the Sky logo on the TAB version of the channel but not anywhere else yet. Obviously they still have a number of things to work out there.


Do Sky still do rent-a-channel for widespread meetings/gatherings?

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Wasn’t this done through Foxtel business?

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Might be showing my age here - it was a service that predated Foxtel.

Often used by Unions to link up venues across the state/country when they went on strike


That it was, SKY Business TV. It used downtime, usually during breakfast hours before regular SKY Channel programing began around 10am each day. Was way back before SKY Went 24/7. Now long gone.


Optus BusinessTV is still going. Not sure if Sky’s business service is a predeccessor to it, but it’s the same thing


Wow, never seen this preview before. Shows that custom graphics for various clients isn’t as big of a task for these guys as I initially thought. Their pres intrigues me. Would love a tour of the place.

I knew about Watchdog - used to have the stream handy. But that’s more like an independent on-course service with Sky graphics on top. It didn’t seem to be linked to the wider backend Sky uses for up-to-date dividends, splits, tips, etc, nor did it ever join the main Sky channel(s).

Going back to Sky Racing 1 and 2 for WA, it’s very glitchy compared to the main Tabcorp versions. I’ll throw up some screenshots later to prove it. Missing dividends, incorrect tips, duplicate races on the ticker, dividends staying up after the jump. Lots of weird errors.

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Where did you find this?

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As I pointed out above, there are a number of inconsistencies between the Tabcorp and WA versions of both 1 and 2.

  • First striking difference is the dividends aren’t in sync.

  • The rotating tips and predictions also aren’t in sync or totally glitched out

Sky Racing 1 Errors - Split Screen Tips 2 Sky Racing 1 Errors - Split Screen Tips 2 WA
Sky Racing 1 Errors - Split Screen Tips Sky Racing 1 Errors - Split Screen Tips WA

  • There’s no additional field info shown over vision. Thought it might have been a NSW venue exclusive thing now, but not even WA races get the info so it looks like an error:

Sky Racing 1 Errors - Split Screen Field Info Sky Racing 1 Errors - Split Screen Field Info WA

  • Dividends aren’t covered over once a race jumps on the dual split screen. This has been standard practice for as long as I can remember, Tabcorp advertising included. The dual split is also the only part of Sky 1 WA that uses the new font.

I’ve seen plenty more. I’ll post them here as I cap them.

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It used to air Nine News replays too.

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Why would Foxtel be doing that?