Sky News



yet the videos are still on facebook…

i’d say someones head would roll over this considering they would have booked him, prepped him for an interview and whatnot but outrage generation is standard practice for sky… i’m almost inclined to think it was an audition…

Every person at Sky News who had anything to do with booking him, putting him on the air and publicising his views to the world should (1) be ashamed of themselves and (2) reflect on how they got so far in life with so little capacity for critical thinking and basic human decency.

Amoral, intellectually moribund cesspool that has the audacity to call itself a “news” channel.

Yet he was booked to appear in the first place without any knowledge of his views?

On one hand, I don’t mind having these sort of people exposed for the dickheads they are. But that would not have been Giles’ intention nor the intention of his producers or anyone further up the chain at Sky. Love to see if he had the balls to front up to Sales, Grant, Fanning, et al, hell, even ACA would probably expose him for what he is.


Well why doesn’t he get rid of Bolt, Jones, Richo, Panahi, Giles, Murray and the others?

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Who replaces Greg Thomson on weekend first edition?

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Ahron has, and Stacey is doing the day shift.

David Speers not happy

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Same old pattern at Sky.

Do something they shouldn’t, say oops we shouldn’t have done that.

To me, this just seems like weak editorial leadership, in allowing those sort of people to be booked without any higher approval.

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The Sky mass exodus continues:




Well hopefully the place begins to implode. What a toxic environment in which to work. Surely the likes of David Speers should get the hell out of there.


Someone poach David Speers and save him from this channel. He deserves better.


more interestingly, the reversal of Cyril Washbrook who has responded on this forum above.

cough Ten.

That, or the ABC can ask him to pick up some new lights at Bunnings on the way in to Ultimo.

This was a mistake, he hasn’t quit.

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Not sure about everyone else, but I personally hope David Speers and Laura Jayes (who seem to be just about the only professional journalists left) will leave Sky News Australia at the first available opportunity and move to a media organisation who actually deserves their talents.


They may be tied to contracts that they can’t get out of. Kieran Gilbert has also been vocal on the issue alongside David Speers and Laura Jayes.

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