Sky News

Main newsroom set should, if my calculations are correct, be opposite the main lcd wall. Means cameras need only be spun around from either set.

Looks decent enough, but the lighting is still shit. Graphics look bad as ever

Much better set… must have taken Sharon Tongue (!) weeks to build that one! :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry @KVZ - couldn’t resist!

Seriously though - that looks great. More Laura Jayes please… also looking forward to Patricia Karvelas’ show on Sunday nights. How the ABC allowed her to do this is beyond me, but still…

Lighting is very white and washed out. The set needs a bit more red or orange in there.

Overall though, it is heads and shoulders above the regular Sky News. A welcome change.

Sky business is now HD. What a mess! The graphics are the same horrendous pieces of shit. They don’t even look native HD.

Sky don’t know how to launch jack shit.


For what it’s worth

Same crappy graphics. That grey live coverup is a disgrace.

Still, a tiny bit of HD is better than ABCNews24

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it hurts my eyes


audio peaking all over the show on the Sportnight panel.

A lot of SNB’s graphics are about as old as the channel it self!

Jeez Sky News’s weather graphics are about 240p quality.

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Well done to Sky this time around. My only problem is the set is roundish, not square like, like UK, Arabic. Doesn’t suit roundedness.

Can I just praise Sky News for finally using a normal, head and shoulders shot of their newsreaders instead of that stupid ultra-wide angle showing their ugly set that they’d been using for years. So much more better, much more engaging.

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Maybe it’s time Sky get some more field cameras instead of relying on broadband links for live shots…


Ah, Sky News HD!


SKY NEWS announced Minister Christopher Pyne and Shadow Minister Richard Marles will front a new weekly political opinion program, Pyne & Marles, offering a unique insight into the world of politics as Australia races towards a 2016 federal election.

Premiering Saturday 6 February at 8:30am AEDT on SKY NEWS LIVE (Channel 601), each week the two opposing frontbenchers will go head to head in a no holds barred LIVE discussion.

Christopher Pyne, Federal Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science and Leader of the House said: "With this new program Richard and I hope to go into the important issues in depth and communicate to the public our policy positions and the reasons for them. It is also an opportunity to involve the public in the governing process in a way they have not been engaged before.”

Richard Marles, Shadow Minister for Immigration and Border Protection said: “This program’s ground breaking format will be what live TV is all about – no rules, no scripts and hopefully a few laughs while we drill through the week that was.”

Angelos Frangopoulos, Chief Executive Officer, Australian News Channel said: “This new program is an innovative way of looking at the big issues of the week, through the eyes of two senior politicians. It’s their program and their call on the discussions that they see shaping the national debate. It’s one of many initiatives we’ll be announcing as part of our election year programming.”

Pyne & Marles will premiere LIVE on Saturday 6 February at 8:30am AEDT on SKY NEWS LIVE (Channel 601).

Neither Christopher Pyne nor Richard Marles will receive any payment for their contributions to the program.

Are they trying to repel viewers?

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How long has Felicity Davey, formerly of ABC News Sydney, been presenting for Sky?

Does Sky ever source HD footage for their sport reports? Watching Sportsline this morning, Not 1 second of HD footage from Fox Sports with reports from Aus v NZ cricket, Auckland 9s, Rugby 7s, EPL, A-League and NBL all from Fox Sports SD channels.