Sky News

Gee, a mid morning or midday show built around Mel’s warmth and empathy would go alright I reckon. Better than the dross on TMS, Today Extra and S10.

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I love it :sweat_smile:

IN all honesty, he should just retire with whatever dignity he has remaining. Nowadays he’s just an old man ranting on and on. No compelling reason to switch to him.


People outside of Sydney don’t really know much about him either, could replace him with someone who has broader national appeal

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It’s the perception that matters. I bet if you asked most federal politicians they’d say that Alan Jones has a national audience in the same way that many think that Sky After Dark sets the national agenda.


Surely AJ’s current role at Sky News is more about maintaining a media profile than anything else? If he was just in it for the money, he probably would’ve retired from the media more than a decade ago.


**coalition MPs from NSW and Queensland. Even the Libs from the rest of the country couldn’t give a shit


Got to love live TV


AJ is up on that 8PM times lot which used to be a problem for a few years with various formats and hosts trialled. There’s a lot to sit through from 6-10PM each weeknight on SKY.

Sky News has had a live audio stream on iHeartRadio for a while now, but I didn’t know that they were uploading video clips to iHeartRadio.

According to The Australian, Sky News has created a new and expanded bureau in Melbourne, inside the Herald and Weekly Times building at Southbank.



They’ll probably have to change the name of the building now with The Weekly Times being wound down.

i’m suprised they are not on DAB to be honest

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I thought Sky moved to new digs in Melbourne not all that long ago. Provided them with (a real?) city backdrop. They must have money to burn from Uncle Rupe.

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That was the Foxtel building I think. Now makes sense to be in the HWT tower.

Don’t think the HWT sign will be disappearing- it’s the publisher of the Herald Sun and pretty iconic in Victoria. Although would be tempting to put on top of the building.


There’s a Video of when they first moved in. Ahron Young @Ahron who worked for Sky did a Tour of the then new facility they moved to at the time.


They also got a New Studio and Set which matches the one in Brisbane, Perth and Darwin. It debuted Last Monday when Rita Panahi presented Peta Credlin’s show.

Last Monday


Wow 2014. How time flies.

That Studio wasn’t great TBH. If you ever listened carefully you could occasionally hear people chatting and hear a vacuum noise from the cleaner whenever they broadcasted from there. But it’s good that they have a proper studio now.

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From my memory… it was at GTV9 Richmond first (prior 2010), then moved to the The Herald and Weekly Times building, then went to Foxtel HQ (around 2014) and now returned to The Herald and Weekly Times building at Southbank.

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