Seven Sport

The Cadel Evans Great Ocean Road Race was indeed produced externally with Seven Sport via Eddie McGuire’s Jam TV. Going off production enders at the very end of the telecast at 4pm edt.

There was also a tribute to somebody who had passed away, didn’t recognise him, possibly an employee at Jam TV or Seven.

The broadcast was however copyright to “Visit Victoria”, the state’s tourism arm, who perhaps had overall oversight of the television operations to their event.

The women’s race from yesterday already has the full 5 hour replay on 7Plus, expect so too for the men’s shortly.

Report from 2015

After many years battling this awful disease, sadly Jacob passed away from brain cancer in December 2024, at just 39 years old.


Seven will take Fox’s feed and commentary.

Leading Seven’s play-by-play coverage is Kevin Burkhardt, joined by seven-time Super Bowl champion Tom Brady, with Erin Andrews and Tom Rinaldi on the sidelines.


7 gets the Fox A team while ESPN stuck with a B announce crew. Clear winner on who to choose for coverage


Will be interesting to see what Super Bowl call 7 gets in two years time, considering ABC/ESPN will be host broadcaster that season.

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I wonder if it will be both the Fox graphics and commentary (as per prior years), or whether Seven will have to take a feed with the Fox commentary over ‘world feed’ graphics (like they’ve had to do throughout this season). While the article would imply both graphics and commentary I don’t think we can be 100% certain until Monday rolls around.

Have you heard Tom Brady in the booth this season though :sweat_smile:. He is hard work.

Having said that, I’ve got DAZN/NFL game pass for the playoffs so will just be doing that.

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They’ll probably carve this game out and offer it as an additional package to Seven

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Yeah, whether it’s 7 or whoever the NFL’s FTA partner is by that point, I’d be stunned if it wasn’t aired FTA in Australia.


Exactly, the NFL know how important local exposure is.

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This is the last superbowl under the current contract I think. I wonder if 7 did extend then maybe they will announce it sometime soon


Well, that’s definitely an interesting score bug Fox have decided to go with…

Don’t ask me why, but to me it looks like a modern version of their very first Fox Box.

I suppose the bean counters will crunch the numbers tomorrow and we’ll see…

Despite NFL’s popularity in Australia these days and audiences going up each year, it’d still be considered fairly ‘niche’ vs what other global and domestic sports achieve here and I’m guessing would come down heavily to sponsors/advertisers they can get interested, as well what it’s doing for network promotion and lead-in.

If Seven feel it’s becoming too expensive and not really being paid for commercially, as well as not really helping draw viewers to other programs namely Idol but also Chase, news, Home & Away, St Denis Medical, Ludwig, etc. Then they may even consider not renewing and no doubt other networks would be circling or at least interested.

I have seen on half usa tv add on fox
the tv add is USA Pizza hut the tv add

I don’t understand why the team abbreviations are blurry when the rest isn’t. Its definitely different and interesting graphics

Do these count as Super Bowl ads? (As seen on 7QLD regional) :wink:


I think whether Seven will renew the NFL deal will come down to getting access to the proposed regular season matches at the MCG. The first match will be part of 2026/27 NFL season.


Is The Superbowl is going live on 7 mate perth?

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