Seven On-Air Presentation

7mate PRG (middle ad break of The Simpsons), with first line for “next” program on 7mate and second line for “Catching Milat” tomorrow night on the main channel


I like how the PRG box lengthens or shortens depending on the amount of text.


Is that about the chocolate or a pussy cat? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Bloody autocorrect! Fixed.

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What a terrible promo

Random clips and random graphics

14 different graphic looks. No branding. Fireworks giant text slamming on screen.

No emotion. No moments to remember - I felt and remembered nothing.

Just a visual mess, like a Harvey norman ad crass and tacky.

Seven has lots it’s way. Zero style or emotion


I’m not sure about that “one place” font. Seems very early 2000s

Everything feels so dated. Everything

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Angus Ross is where a lot of the blame lies. Been within programming at the network since they took Number 1 way back in 2007.

All the aspects under him acquisitions, programming, marketing/promotions including V/Os, strategy, ID, veteran talent, etc etc would all have a lot to do with him.

@NewsWeary has been spot on being honest and blunt that even though they have a new direction and all these promises, it’s still ‘same old, same old’.

I think a big missed opportunity new CEO Warburton not replacing Ross, the board not pushing on that either also rings alarm bells. Are top brass too stuck/lost/panic to even get a new Director of Programming!? :open_mouth:

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The different fonts/graphics are for different shows. Why would you want all programs to look the same?
They mostly have the logo with a red 7 underneath, I think that’s pretty consistent

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There is a way to link different logos for shows together.

It’s pretty simple

This spot missed the Mark big time

Seven needs to refresh it’s on air presentation

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Their on-air presentation looks quite good I think, especially after the tweaks early this year. The network who needs a change the most is Nine.

However, that promo above does look awful.


Seven and Nine’s network presentations are both dated now.

Wasn’t there talk of a refresh next year?

I’ve heard this somewhere too. The whole network is need of a brand refresh. Not to the scale we saw at 10 last year, but pretty close!

To start off with, it would be nice to see consistent graphics across 7 News, Sunrise and The latest, this could be a chance to really drill in the 7 News brand.


I’d prefer less graphics cluttering up the screen. The BBC has a very minimalist look with their graphics and it is actually pleasant to watch their news.


BBC is fantastic. But Dogs LOL and Highway Patrol against a modern minimalist BBC look and feel wouldn’t work. It would be like a clown dressing more formally. Graphics have got to suit the content to an extent.

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I was talking about news, where they have pop up banners that disappear. So for most of the report there is no on-screen clutter. A welcome change from Sunrise and 7 News with nearly one third of the screen covered with graphics for most of the time.

This has been a big reason for me not watching commercial news programs these days.

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I wonder if the proposed relaunch will include a new logo? It will be twenty years come 1 January since 7 launched their current logo (with a few tweaks along the way) so it will be interesting to see what they do.


2020 would be a good year to launch a logo too. First 2000 then 2020. However, I don’t think the actual logo itself needs changing, just some tweaking. Perhaps a new colour could be used or maybe a nice Gold/black/white boxed varient would be nice.