Seven On-Air Presentation

Me, every time I see a program billed as a (network) original::roll_eyes:


Even if they just run an animated 7 logo before their original programming like the BBC do, that would be great.

In what sense do ABC use “original”. “Foxtel Original” seems to just mean “Australian” as it has preceded shows like Gogglebox Australia.


I can’t think of anything that Seven produce that is original :thinking:

This is the current one:


[quote=“TV.Cynic, post:356, topic:309, full:true”]
In what sense do ABC use “original”. “Foxtel Original” seems to just mean “Australian” as it has preceded shows like Gogglebox Australia.[/quote]
Yes. I assume it means it’s made by Foxtel.

What do you mean? Home & Away, 800 Words, Wanted, My Kitchen Rules, House Rules, Behave Yourself…

My point is that Gogglebox is made for not by Foxtel.

What’s “original” about any of those :slight_smile:

But those shows are made by and for Seven? And some of those are original concepts/ideas. What’s the diff?

Are you just arguing that Gogglebox is made by another production company for Foxtel so doesn’t deserve to be a Foxtel Original? Isn’t that true for Netflix shows too?

Legit pisses me off. Main culprit for me is Netflix. Season 4 of Arrested Development was billed as ‘A Netflix Original’, like there wasn’t three seasons screening before the first Netflix Original was commissioned.

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Tbf the 4th season was commissioned and created by Netflix, so that season is “original”.[quote=“Bort, post:353, topic:309”]
Me, every time I see a program billed as a (network) original::roll_eyes:

Do you meme often sir?

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:joy: :joy: :joy: Who did this :joy: :joy: :joy:


A comparison I recorded on the weekend of the breakaway of 7’s Gold Coast feed for the Gold Coast news, compared to the Brisbane feed normally used.

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Some examples of the “Original” programming openers. These all use the word; there are other examples that just show a network logo to open a program, probably best recognised with the HBO iconic ident.


I know it happens…

But Melbourne accidently got a Syd/Bris version of a promo.

Better Homes & Gardens promo before Seven Morning News.

Followed immediately by a promo for the movie “Lucy” 8:30pm Friday on 7.

Except Friday Night Football will actually be airing then :wink:

(The movie will of course be on 7mate)


Two things,

There is a new ident for 7Two, it’s with the logo on the sand at the beach.

There was a lottery draw on 7Two on Thursday night at 9PM.

Both those things have been happening on 7Two for several years now to my knowledge, it’s nothing new and 7Two always seems to show the lotto draw of the night in full after 8:30 or so…

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Really not liking this whole new “show name in a big colored box” on promo endboards lately. I have seen the same template being used on a number of show promos. Border Security, BHG, Highway Patrol just to name a few.
Reminds me wayyyyy too much of the Nine News body billboard logo.
They need to keep evolving with the >7 branding it’s great and has so much potential!

Yes, I saw an ugly one for Home and Away with a green background. Yuck!

Any caps? Haven’t seen these.