Seven On-Air Presentation

Agreed. Surely there’s plenty of examples in the archive that they could have drawn on to evoke a sense of nostalgia or familiarity.

Hell, even the “seven productions” production ender tune would’ve at least been familiar.


Looks surprisingly good.

Nice to see them go for a minimalist design rather than 3D, gloss and lens flares overload (granted there’s still some of it but not a big problem).

I disagree. I think it’s nice, simple and effective! If they stick with it, it will gain momentum and say 7. Fresh is not a bad thing.

It didn’t take long for Maccas, Telstra, Commbank, etc, etc, to establish their music trills. I think this can be very similar.

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Not the first time they’ve used that melody.

While these are fine graphically, the musical logo is a bit weak for something which should be a centrepiece of the Seven Network brand IMO.


I’ve had a go to see how this would sound with the production enders…


7two one sounds like a remade Xbox intro sound

End of this promo has the same three-note sting as the IDs above.


There’s a Prime7 version too. Must have been produced for them by Seven as it wasn’t a complete disaster.


Tonight a clean version aired without the 7 watermark (@marquisite @travis if you wanted to update your mocks)

Prime7 version:


I can’t help but notice some similarities in the jingle note (towards the end) from VTM in Belgium, they did a network-wide rebrand in August last year.


Wow, there’s even similarities in the graphics and promo style.

It feels like either the same design agency are behind it, or one has ‘influenced’ the other.

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wasn’t sure which thread

At first thought just a bad play-out script error, but has happened a few weeks in a row now (or longer?) Could it still be a glitch or intentional?

After the line-up thing at the end of Big Brother, instead of going straight into CIA (as the line-up even says "starting now in 3… 2… 1…) it instead goes to a Seven News update and ad break.

Nice way to lose viewers, although can anyone see a strategy here? However, ratings don’t appear to have been affected for CIA. It’s strange.


So is the way you post here, sometimes I really struggle to comprehend what you’re trying to get across.

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That wasn’t very nice, nor constructive either :frowning:

You really didn’t understand what I was talking about? All I was mentioning was Seven cut to an ad break after BB instead of starting the next program CIA (as they usually would and the line-up animation also indicated), it’s a way to lose viewers and was just a strange placement. I wondered whether there’s a systemic system error or whether it is intentional.


It is a very strange strategy that I’ve notice as well.

Seven runs a countdown to the start of the next program and then right when the countdown says the program will start a News Update comes on. That is followed by a promo for the 6pm news followed by 3 minutes of ads followed by another Seven promo.

Why are they making such a definite break between programs; it’s an invite to change channels or switch off, aside from the obvious misinformation about when the following program starts.


I’ve noticed this happening on Nine before L&O: Organised Crime. Found it odd flow, goes against the reason of not running idents or end credits of programs.


Exactly, definitely! Well done on capping those too.

Yes, this is true, Nine on the other hand have been doing this strategy for many years before the commencement of the 8:30pm program, going to a news update (as well as the news update sponsor before and after and sometimes a promo), but definitely doesn’t go for 3mins, usually all done within a minute or 30sec.

Seven didn’t even do it last year.

The countdown to start a show is a bit of a 70s throwback