Sponsor Billboard:
Movie Opener:
Unavailable in my collection
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NYE Promo:
News/Today Tonight endtags:
Sponsor Billboard:
Movie Opener:
Unavailable in my collection
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Studio Audience Calls - including evidence that the “Keyboard Playing Cat” video that has become really popular on the internet in recent years has been around since (at least) 1995!
Here’s caps of another one:
If anyone can explain the concept behind this, it’d be much appreciated!
Midday Movie Opener (Including “Special Presentation” variant):
‘The Favourite Faces of 96’ Promo:
Thank Heaven’s It’s Saturday Promo:
Promo Endtags:
From ATN-7, a 1995 promo for Today Tonight plus a special ID used ahead of its 40th anniversary in 1996.
YouTube: Conor MacDonald.
“Proudly Entertaining Sydney for Nearly 40 Years, This is Channel 7.”
It looks like this whole presentation launched late December 1994 based on a few YouTube videos