Seven News Spotlight

Peter Ford acknowledged on radio this morning that Spotlight is under a cloud and he thinks what plays out in court today will determine what happens next.

As usual, he’s just parroting what others have said.

What’s Taylor history? What did he do prior to Spotlight?

He is fairly young, I understand from what was mentioned he worked for ACA, and many small stints at many other employers (like most in the media do initially) such as News Corp and Daily Mail.

It would appear his then colleagues at Newscorp might have assisted getting him a job at 7, that was briefly mentioned today.

He does appear to have a history prior to 7 around securing some big gets. Certainly would be talent that 7 would be interested in for such investigative programs.

They really pushed him today around his relationship and 7, you can see they are trying to paint this as an attempt by TA to dirty his previous employer.

And I still think they should reinstate The Latest (or similar) at 7pm on Saturday to go against ACA and lead into movies or something like a UK variety/quiz show; then movie at 8.30. But I digress… :rofl:
It was starting to build an audience during covid with Mel and Matt Doran (?) but was short lived.

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Nine News Melbourne leading with it as their lead story.

Seven News Melbourne placed the story 10 minutes in.


Didn’t make a mention on the 7News homepage either this arvo when I was having a look. It was on every single other news site known to man.

Naturally 9 ran with it first. Just like 7 would have the roles had been reversed.

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Seems like more than just Spotlight in the spotlight with the cross examination this afternoon - lawyers, journalists, media, chequebook journalism.

There were so many details given in evidence that it is hard to just totally dismiss everything under the banner of disgruntled employee. Plus so much new material now in evidence.


In all of this, Lisa Wilkinson’s career is over too. No one will want to work with her.

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But employing and openly supporting a Victoria Cross recipient that has very likely committed war crimes is ok?

Seven has put some pretty terrible content out under the “Spotlight” branding - in some respects, this is far from the worst too.


It’s always been a brand that came across to me like a cross between 60 minutes and ACA. Like a ‘try hard’ crack at 60. Still want the Ambo chasing stuff but want the formality of 60 mins.

SN did come across to me as more authoritative. No idea why that or Mel even became history. Dumb.

7 should just relaunch Today Tonight. It’s clear they still want a taste for that sort of reporting, and there is obviously market share for such a show when looking at the numbers over the fence.


Not only that… quite early on there was a Bryan Seymour special on Scientology that was pulled on the orders of Kerry Stokes, because it dared discuss James Packer’s past involvement with the church.

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Because it was a more expensive programme to produce. Basically it had double the staff from what Spotlight has.

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Story airing at 6.07 in Brisbane, with claims of “hatred” against Channel 7 by Spotlight’s former producer. 9 reporter paced alongside him, asked 2 questions, then walked away looking disappointed lol

In Sydney on 9 and 7 is was about the 4th story on each… the impending rain event led both bulletins.

Media Bytes

How to land Lehrmann: Seven Network rocked after former employee reveals what it took to score its Bruce Lehrmann exclusive.#MediaBites #MediaWatch

— Media Watch (@ABCmediawatch) April 4, 2024

10-minute report on ACA

Ally: “It tarnishes our whole industry”.


Oh ffs. Don’t need the high moral ground from ACA.


She forgot that Taylor Auerbach learnt everything he knows at ACA.



Well there you go…

ACA, the home of Ben Mccormack.

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