Melbourne reporter Sara Jones has given birth to her first child Sara Jones on Instagram: "Our beautiful girl Olympia decided it was time to enter the world a week ago today - weighing a teeny 2.4kgs. Nothing could have prepared us for this kind of love. Princess Pia, you are beyond our wildest dreams. ❤️🌈🧿"
Tuesday Feburary 13
Rosanna Mangiarelli is presenting solo tonight in Adelaide. Mark Soderstrom is presenting sport from Melbourne, where the Adelaide Crows had a promo shoot for Seven’s AFL coverage.
but much to do an OB just for that!
He may have been there doing pieces for the season in advance?
Soda doesn’t do pieces…
Saturday 17 February and Sunday 18 February -
Rebecca Maddern presenting solo in Melbourne this weekend.
Mike Amor has a family wedding in New Zealand
Theo Doropoulos presented Sport on Melbourne’s Afternoon News today. Is today his first time presenting Sport since joining HSV7?
I believe it is indeed.
Former abc tv reporter Jason Carmody
Has joined 7 News Perth.
James Carmody? He’s very good
Charlotte Goodlet taking on 7 News Perth weekend weather presenter role.
Really happy for Charlotte.
She’s perfect for the role to be honest.
At least Seven News Perth now has a succession plan for weather presenters.
Wonder if they could use Charlotte to fill in on The Latest, especially given she’s filled in on 10’s national bulletins in the past.
Possibly. Although it Tim McMillan presents The Latest, then Angela Tsun could also fill-in and Sam Jolly.
Charlotte will probably fill-in on weekday weather & afternoon news.
What happened to Amelia Broun?
Amelia is currently on Maternity leave,after having her third son
This means that every state now has a weather presenter on both weeknights and weekends.