Wasn’t this the website/forum that Lily Cardis called out in 2020?
I often wondered about this myself - there have been numerous incidents of TV girls getting stalked and harassed including one being accosted by an armed man in a carpark: some do seem to overshare on their Twitter accounts which I am guessing their boss wants them to have to promote their stories. In some cases clicking on links has even shown up their work mobile numbers. This always seemed very risky to me and I am aware the married TV girls do usually use their maiden names professionally so that gives their family some privacy. Some also have personal business websites where they promote being a hired gun for PR etc presumably working off an ABN which leads you to wonder if they are ABN workers at the TV too?
TV stations seem to have taken their branding off their vehicles perhaps they should also let staffers remove their online presence if they feel the need.
Sunday 14 August -
Andrew McCormack presenting sport in Melbourne tonight.
Andrew is a great sports presenter. But also very hands on behind the scenes. Surely that adds to cred as a presenter as opposed to just reading the autocue.
He should have been given the weekend position.
The TV networks in SA don’t have logo’s on the cars, only a piece of paper with the company logo they place on the windscreen when parked near the courts or something. When I did work experience in the industry, the cars had logo’s.
Yes in the city I live in none of the TV vehicles and all but one old satellite truck have no branding on them. When asked, the staff told me they removed the banding because they were getting berated for fake news and any other of the world’s problems.
That is correct. That is why they no-longer brand most of their vehicles (often the ‘obviously a news vehicle’ vehicles like sat-trucks etc still are branded).
Monday (15.8.2022): Mike Amor and Rebecca Maddern presenting in Melbourne tonight.
Hence why Blake did weekends. Peter must be having the week off.
‘Thanks Mitch’ Kochie says during the Sunrise update.
Gotta remember to tell Sunrise when he goes on leave …
Melbourne sports reporter Natalie Yoannidis bumped into a fire hydrant while following Essendon Football Club CEO Xavier Campbell outside club HQ yesterday. Will probably get a mention on The Cheap Seats tonight.
Wednesday 17 August and Thursday 18 August -
Sonia Marinelli presented weather in Melbourne tonight.
Blake Johnson again presenting news in Melbourne this weekend.
A post was merged into an existing topic: Seven News Content and Appearance
Katrina Blowers is on holidays for a couple weeks, Most likely Samantha Heathwood as the fill-in considering Kendall is about to go on maternity leave.
I have been enjoying watching Michelle Bishop in the Sports Presenter role in Sydney over the last week. Something different in what we are used to.
Also, she is a pretty good NRL reporter too, which is her primary role with the network.
She seems to interact with Ferguson better than Mel. Doesn’t seem to be as ackward.
Just noticed recently that Annie Pullar (ex-Nine News Queensland) has joined the Seven News Sydney team. She’s followed the same career path as Isabelle Mullen and Cameron Price (who’s since left) in working for both QTQ-9 and ATN-7 (and Darren Curtis and Peter Fegan in reverse).