I may expect ratings to go down by a bit then
Unfortunate for them seeing as they’ve had some wins recently
What? Coz the weather presenter is off for a few days?
Having Jane, Tim and Mitch together is probably one of the only reasons why viewers tune in to Seven News Melbourne on weekdays. Wouldn’t understand viewers tuning in for the content - if you wanted that you would have been tuned into 9 by now!
I just think that’s a bit far stretched. Can I ask, are you in Melbourne?
Unfortunately for me, it’s not even that anymore!
I don’t rate Jane at all, have never watched the sport and Peter Mitchell has lost his way in recent years.
I am just a long time, loyal viewer who is incredibly disappointed in the overall product these days.
There’s no authority, no consistency and worst of all, no integrity!!
Jane has a huge following with older men I’ve discovered.
You’re not wrong
excuse me, not just older men…I think you a few randy teens as well
And it’s nothing to do with being a “meteorologist” as Seven keep pushing!
She is the only weather presenter who is a qualified meteorologist (at least here in Melbourne).
And they had a perfectly good meteorologist previously, for decades in David Brown, but they dumped him in favour of Giaan Rooney and Jo Silvagni. Shocking.
From the very little I’ve seen/heard of her work, Jane Bunn is above Belinda Russell levels of over-cheeriness!
I’m not really sure what to make of this…
Paul Higgins isn’t? I would’ve presumed that ABC News have meteorologists as their main forecasters in most if not all states/territories, pretty sure Graham Creed is one anyway…
Paul Higgins and Jenny Woodward are not, they are old school “presenters” who have a lot of experience.
Thursday 28 May-
Melina Sarris presenting weather in Melbourne filling in for Jane Bunn again tonight.
So did the ratings go down last night in
Melbourne because Jane Bunn was away?
They did but some are telling me Jane Bunn has little influence in this.
No but kleenex sales went up among other thing
Fri 29 May
Sally Bowrey also read out the weather forecast on the Morning News today
Friday 29 May-
Andrew McCormack is presenting sport on Afternoon News in Melbourne today.
Was Amelia Broun presenting Seven’s Afternoon News Perth? Been a fair while!