Seven News Presenters and Reporters (2015-Sept 2020)

God, I really can’t help but admire her for this. It must have been quite tough going for her, having to be in the Martin Place studio presenting for this amount of time on and off during the whole day. She must get a huge pay reward though!!


I will save my admiration for those who do it on a regular basis in regular jobs. She does it once a year. No biggie.


Yep. Watched my sister head off to work double shifts in a hospital for years and miss Christmas with her children, get spat on, punched and abused by drunks and drug addicts. I’ll save my admiration for the hospital workers, police and ambos who put up with shit most of us would never want to go near. I’m not sure Angela has it quite so tough sitting behind a computer in an air conditioned office for most of the day.


Ive been thinking that myself when people go on about these presenters working each day or doing a couple of bulletins a day. Its not exactly hard work.


Agreed, the concern some members have for the work load of news presenters who are usually only filling in needs to be redirected to those who have truly earned it.

I guess for these presenters they will be keen to grab any extra presenting shifts they can and if not there’s bound to be someone just as competent waiting in the wings for that chance.


Nothing new. Deborah Knight over at Nine did eight days straight on Nine News Sydney in addition to Today News around the middle of the year, not to mention those people who always worked hard and sacrificed a lot of their own time and who IMO well and truly deserve the recognition.


I’d be surprised if that’s the case. If you are being paid big bucks (as she would be now as a relatively senior reporter/presenter) then you are expected to pick up the slack when necessary.

If she has now joined Sunday Night full-time then she will be getting plenty of time off during the year to make up for it anyway.


And Rebecca Maddern when she was at Seven. Flying back and forth from Melbourne to Sydney each day to present the Early News and Sunrise and then Seven News Melbourne in the evening when she we filling-in over the Christmas/New Years period etc.

I think she might even did the Morning News at same stage too.

It’s nothing really new


According to Instagram, Angela Cox will be on every news bulletin between now and mid January, whatever that is supposed to mean. I’m sure it doesn’t mean literally every single news bulletin but a fair few of them I would say.



Might mean that over the next few weeks, she will appear on each of the bulletins. Not necessarily all of them on the one day, or consecutive days.


Freya Cole presenting 5pm News again this weekend.

Chris Reason presenting in Sydney again this weekend


Noticed 3AW News’ Priscilla Moca on Seven News Melbourne tonight.


Saturday (30.12.2017)- Sunday (31.12.2017): Katrina Blowers is anchoring in Queensland with Pat Welsh presenting sport. Laura Dymock is presenting the weather and Liz Cantor did the beach report, as Paul Burt is now on leave.


Most likely just filling in over the holiday period while some full time reporters are on annual leave.


I posted a comment regarding this last night and it has disappeared, why would that be?

Angela Cox presenting Early & Morning News this week.


Having reviewed the deleted post, may I suggest that it’s possible to critique a journalist without resorting to insults.


Angie Asmus is back presenting weather in Sydney


I don’t think there were any insults at all… It was an honest evaluation of the journalist’s presenting style. Is that not what this thread is for anymore?!