Looking at that group shot it strikes me that Seven should do a series of profile promos similar to Ten’s latest efforts.
Instead of just saturating us with the same old ridiculous deep-voiced promo over and over give us something interesting and fresh. The idea wouldn’t be to promote each person individually but to justify the “best team” tagline, help establish stronger links between presenters and the audience (particularly the newer recruits) and to help build an image of Seven as being a big, powerful, resource-heavy media player rather than just a lightweight local operation.
Carry a few themes through the all profiles - city location, global reach, experienced, approachable, honest etc. Humanise the news service again, give people something to invest in. I reckon do the six core presenters plus Ann, Reaso, Mike Amor and Mark Riley. Use a common ender and a tagline like “make the switch to the best team in the business” and drop the whole “Australia’s #1” nonsense.