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Oh lord it’s AWFUL :nauseated_face:

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That is truly horrendous. Twisted metal so much better. Bit sad really.


Looks very 90s

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At least twisted metal was a clean streamlined look across the fleet. No bits and pieces added on each year and year. Brisbane just looks shit as does Adelaide.


Brisbane is way better than Adelaide and has been around for quite a few years. This is Adelaide’s attempt at improving their set…


Brisbane’s is terrible, it was from day 1 and still is to this day. The only redeeming feature for them is consistency - they’ve had it for quite some time now.


I just noticed with Brisbane under the desk is 3 TVs joined together? With the technology available now that is pretty cheap.

Reminds me of Melbourne and Sydney. Seven has not invested in the edge to edge backdrop that 9 have. Sort of have three screens and they try to cover up where they meet.

I assume it’s just a matter of ‘just do with what we have’ approach, ie they don’t want to blow the cash. Well they will need to invest and upgrade, sorry I mean overhaul, one day.


I loved the Perth 2010-16 look.

The set when they moved from Dianella to The West Australian HQ was a massive downgrade.


At least at Martin Place, thats a limitation on the space. It has to be broken up because of the setup. But that will no doubt change in the move to Eveleigh.


Any news on a time frame when Seven News is moving out of Martin Place this year?


wtf? That looks like if some idiot took a previous-era Sydney desk, mixed in some ABC News 24 stuff, and put it to air! Irritating!

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A bit late for its time, but yeah; simple, and effective.

They did kinda screw things up by adding a still backdrop instead of consistently using the live camera they had used for the first while though …

I think it’s starting around July with completion of the move by December I last heard…

Seven News had a national update at around 9.30pm from Sydney. Strange they have one on weekends.


During Sunrise?

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I think it’s meant to say 9.30 P.M

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I thought it might have been about the byelections but they weren’t mentioned.

It wasn’t shown in Brisbane where a local update was shown


Interesting though… as Seven have never had a national update in Melbourne on weekends. Usually locally recorded up until 8.30pm.